Be Nice To Me

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Casey was in the hospital getting surgery and was probably gonna be handicapped for the rest of her life, Michael was gonna get sent to a psych ward from how shocked he was, and Skylar was getting driven home not being able to see any of her friends while some centipede fucking thing was running around Virginia. This pissed her off greatly, and Cooper knew this because of how silent she was as she stared out the window. They had driven past a McDonald's and a Seven Eleven and she hadn't asked to go to either of them.

"So..." He started, glancing over at Sky feeling anxious. "What part of the story was fake?" He didn't get an answer so he kept going. "It sounded pretty real to me, you and your friends have accurate injuries and outcomes to what you told the cops. ... So what did happen-?" He nearly flinched when he glanced at Skylar again, the only thing that moved was her head and now she was looking at Cooper in a way that made him feel uneasy.
He wasn't quite sure what to say and turned his attention back on the road. Feeling a sweat roll down his neck as the car got silent again.

It was silent for about a minute before Skylar finally spoke.

"We were setting off the illegal fireworks next to the hospital while drinking wine because the three of us all had a stressful day and thought that sense it had been awhile since we last hung out outside of school that we were going to do bad shit till we got called the cops on or someone inside the hospital would tell us to run off, surprisingly none of that happened so we kept fucking around and having fun till one of the fireworks Cassidy set off exploded and we all hit the deck to not get hurt, for some reason as the explosion died down another explosion went off because of the bits of firework pieces and the weird ooze coming out of the trash cans and we all heard a new scream that didn't match any of ours."

She took in a long deep breath that almost sounded like a gasp while Mr. Cooper just kept looking back and forth at her and the road. The concern and sweat increasing as she spoke the truth.

"Because the new scream didn't match any of ours we waited for the second explosion to die down just enough before we all got up and ran towards the fire believing we hurt someone, it took a bit of looking around but we eventually found who we originally thought was a woman cornered in the alley so Cassy ran over to give her help and accidentally stepped on the injured ladies hand, the lady let out a shriek and transformed into this giant ass centipede and picked Cassidy off of the ground really high up in the air, while Michael was being a wimp I used your army switchblade and attacked the centipede causing it to throw me into the wall and hurting my back to which the beast also slammed Cassy hard onto the floor and the beast ran off. I don't know how long I was out for but it was long enough for Mike to get his shit together and help Cassidy while yelling at me to call the police so I did and you know the rest."

The two remained silent after that, the atmosphere changing for both of them as Mr. Cooper tried to process all of that.

"A... Injured lady, turned into a giant centipede... And attacked you and your friends." He said, making sure he got at least that part straight. "It only attacked me and Cassy for some reason leaving Mike unharmed."

"... Probably because he didn't hurt the uh- thing, in some way."

"What Cassidy did was an accident! It attacked her, and I defended her!" She shouted, "I-I know! I just- I'm just processing all of this..."

"Take all the time you need I know how it sounds." She said, resting her chin in her hand as she looked out the window again. Of course she knew how it sounded, she had schizophrenia, but everything that happened was real. It was all, real. And she didn't care if she went alone or not, she was going to find out who and what the fuck that thing was and bring it to Hell's doorstep.

A Beast With BeautyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang