Smells Like Teen Spirit

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"You always liked the taste of blood, and I get off when I point the gun, it's so good to have someone to be, so, baaad with-" Skylar muttered the words to the song.

"First one up was a preachers son, last one down was an Englishman, I'm in bed with his bowtie on, all dressed up for a hit and run. Na na na na na na na na-" She kicked the rock on the sidewalk, kicking it a few feet ahead of her again. "All dressed up for a hit and run."

She continued to bob her head up and down as she listened to the song through her earphones, repeatedly kicking the rock down further and further down the sidewalk as she headed over to another friend's house. Several car's driving past her as she walked past several houses in the neighborhood. She kept going but quickly turned on her heel where she stood in front of a curbside male box.

She easily opened it and found four envelopes of mail. She walked away from the mailbox and began walking towards the blue two story house with a white porch and a perch wood porch swing and a single twisted tree in the front yard.
She flipped through the envelopes as she walked up the steps of the porch, three white envelopes and one pink one, she brought her foot up to kick the door three times to knock.

She was out there for a good five seconds, popping her hip to the side and putting some weight on her left leg as she waited. She did smirk a little bit as she heard a gasp behind the door and some locks unlocking. She looked up at the door as she heard the final lock unlock and the door handle turned.

The door then swung open and Skylar was greeted with a short olive skinned girl with straight hair dyed blonde with pink tips, most of her hair was pushed to the left side of her face and covered one of her brown eyes while a few strands of hair on the left side of her face didn't have pink tips but did have black stripes going over the blonde which was clearly used by a sharpie and not hair dye. She had a baggy GIR hoodie on with a pink poofy ballet skirt with jeggings on and white socks.

"SKYLAR!!" Lenore immediately wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug, squishing her face against Skylar's chest as Skylar hugged her back. "Welcome back Lanny!" They both hugged each other tightly before letting go of each other. "How's humanity treating you so far my green goblin?" Skylar asked, rubbing the top of her head and messing up her hair. "Pretty good so far, I'm coming back to school again on Thursday! Are we still doing C.S.A's?" Lenore asked, "Nope, but you missed two of them along with a test in Mr. Westads class. Now how about your thoughts?" Skylar asked, walking past her and into her house which Lenore quickly followed behind.

Closing and locking the door.

"They're care free right now but of course that's the hospital's aftermath effects again. I did get to talk more about my trauma though!" Lenore said in a happy tone. "That's good! I'm happy for you- Hi Misses K!" Skylar said, waving in the direction of the living room as she walked past it. "Hi dear!" Lenore's mom waved back as she vacuumed the living room's carpet.

"Anyway, you have a water Bill, electric Bill, report card, and I think a birthday invitation?" Skylar said, flipping through the envelopes one last time before handing them to Lenore. Lenore took the envelopes, looked them over before taking off down the hall into their small kitchen while saying "Mails here-"

Skylar didn't pay much attention and walked up the stairs, when she got the top she made a left and walked up to one of the bedroom doors, checking if it was locked before turning the handle and opening it. She stopped in her tracks as she saw a white bunk bed with pink covers on the bottom with hearts and blue covers on the top with sharks. A purple wheely chair pushed into a white corner desk that had crain and marker scribbles almost all over it with some coloring books and children's books like No David, The Hungry Caterpillar, Charlotte's Web, and Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus. Little toys like dolls and action figures and stuffed animals were laying around while most were in a monster themed toy chest and clothes were piling out of the closet.

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