Chapter 40

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September 18th

In the past few days, I have felt Sebastian and I', somehow strengthen even more?

Some people say that arguing makes you closer, but I don't believe that. I believe if you work an issue out, then that'll do it.

Since I confided in Sebastian about my issues with magic, he hasn't left my side. And it's not that he ever left it before, but now, he is by me every moment. He's continuously checking up on me to make sure I haven't felt any "urges" or to see if I'm just comfortable.

I can tell in Crux's class he's more weary. He either always has his hand behind my chair or on my thigh, and he's always watching Crux's every move.

It's quite flattering, watching him be so protective. He knows I don't trust the professor, and neither does he, but he does it better than I do.

Tonight we were laying in the common room together.

It was late, but I didn't know the exact minute or even hour that it was. I was usually lost in time with Sebastian, it never really mattered with him.

He was still in his quidditch practice uniform, well, what he had left of it on. He still wore the pants and socks, but he had torn off his jersey the second he left practice, so he had on a black long-sleeve.

He sat with his back against the window which was under the lake, and I layed horizontally on my side across the stone with my head on his lap.

He had his elbow resting on one leg to hold his face while his other layed on my shoulder.

"Ready for your first game?" I spoke as I ran one of my hands along his leg.

"Mmm," he rasped, "More nervous."

I giggled out of confusion, "Nervous?" He intertwined his fingers in my hair and twirled them around. "Why?" I asked.

"Well-" He lifted himself from his slouched position, resting his head back onto the glass. "I haven't played in the field in over two years"

I turned onto my back to look up at him.

"You're amazing though Seb. You've shown that many of times."

He smiled, still twirling with my hair. "I'm still a little nervous though darling. I can't mess up when it's your first time watching me in a game"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "We both know you won't"

He held his smile still.

"I've always enjoyed your encouragement, you know that ?"

"You used to not" I laughed, "But I'm thoroughly happy you do now"

"Must you remind me?" He teased, still looking down toward me.

"That's what I'm here for" I grinned.

"Well-," I quickly said, now lifting myself up.

"I know what you mean" his eyes hung low as he grinned.

But, then it faded. His fingers went from moving quickly through my strands, to a soft brush-like motion.

He stared off to the stone-covered ground. His eyes became cold as he thought; thinking, remembering, playing motions in his mind.

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