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Katsuki was sitting on her office table staring at the two tickets to Japan. She was doing this. After fifteen years of staying in USA she was finally returning back to where she was from. She was scared. She never wanted to do this. Thinking about what happened in the past she was rethinking going to this trip all together.
A tear flickered in her eye. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in" she said our loud.
A tall woman in a black suit and worn glasses came in and told, "We are ready to leave ma'am" Katsuki grabbed her bag and the tickets. She was going to do this. She is going to take Revenge.

Katsuki was tall. Really tall. She had dark brown long hairs with dark brown eyes, her features were sharp and her casual office wear looked perfect on her. She scream confidence, beauty Yes money.
He simple casual wear was worth hundreds of dollars. And her secret payed for them. She was just not a simple business women. She was the the wife of the late, Aoi Yoshida, who was not only owned this company but was the ruler of the underground mafia world. He was the king of any illegal gang which ran throughout the country. And after his unfortunate dead his wife, Katsuki Yoshida, had taken over everything. She handled the business perfectly, actually better than Aoi. She was feirce and merciless with always a cold expression on her face. And now Katsuki was travelling to Japan, her home town, for another business deal.
This specific business deal had been pending and kept in the corner by Katsuki for months just because of where it was from. She wanted nothing from that place. But here she was on her way to take a flight to Japan from USA.
She was snapped out from her thoughts by the tall woman who was her assistant, Tasha.
Tasha was going over the things they had to do when they got to Japan, how they should be acting near the press and the same thing. Katsuki hated the press. She had always since childhood. She hated how nosy they were and had a very bad history in interaction with the press. She just zoned out seeing the view outside the car and wondering what she would do on her own hiding from everyone. The places she wanted to visit.
They stopped on a traffic light and there were two guys on a bike. They looked at her and one of them told the other boy how pretty she was. Not again Katsuki thought to herself. She just raised the window so no one could see her. She also hated socializing and people always noticing her. Like let her be for once.

Soon they were pulling into the airport and boarding the plane that would take them to there destination. She sat in her seat with headphones on and thinking how she worked soo hard to be where she was. How she struggled for 10 years after she was forced to leave Japan by her family. How she even had to kill her husband to get till here.

Seven years ago.

In a dimly lit cafe nestled in the heart of a bustling city Katsuki, sat alone at a corner table. Her espresso cup remained untouched as she gazed out the window, lost in thought. Across the room, Aoi, a confident and well-dressed man, had been watching her from a distance, his desire to be with her burning stronger than ever.
Aoi finally gathered his courage and approached her table. "Katsuki," he said with a charming smile, "it's been a while."

Katsuki turned her attention toward him, her expression unreadable. "Aoi," she replied, her voice cool and distant. "What brings you here?"

He pulled out a chair and sat down, leaning in closer to her. "I've been doing some thinking, Katsuki. We've known each other since high school, and I've always admired you. Now that you're here in the USA, away from your family, you might need some support."

Katsuki raised an eyebrow, her dark brown eyes locked onto Aoi. "Support? What kind of support are you offering, Aoi?"

Aoi hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Financial support, Katsuki. I know your family only paid for your university fees, and I can provide you with everything else you need."
Katsuki was a bit surprised. For some reason he knew. He shouldn't be but.

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