CHAPTER 9: "you betrayed me."

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The cold, harsh reality of their dangerous world crashed into Katsuki's consciousness as she was abruptly woken by Becky in the dead of night. The dim glow of a single bulb cast an eerie light over the makeshift hideout, accentuating the urgency in Becky's expression.

Becky, her usually calm demeanor tinged with concern, hovered near Katsuki's bed.

Becky: "Katsuki, we've got a problem. Someone leaked information. We need to act fast."

Katsuki, instantly alert, shot up from her makeshift bed, eyes ablaze with fury.

Katsuki: "Leaked information? Are you kidding me? Who betrayed us?"

Becky, a bead of sweat forming on her forehead, hesitated before responding.

Becky: "I don't have all the details yet, but it seems someone from our crew. I'm looking into it."

Katsuki's rage boiled over, each word laced with venom.

Katsuki: "Find out who did this, Becky. I won't tolerate betrayal."

Becky nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and swiftly left to begin her investigation, leaving Katsuki alone in the dimly lit hideout. The shadows seemed to dance with Katsuki's simmering anger as the weight of betrayal bore down on her shoulders, setting the stage for a confrontation that would demand answers.

As Becky delved into her investigation, the tension within their hideout hung thick in the air. Katsuki's impatience was palpable, her usual composed demeanor shattered by the betrayal within their ranks. The dim light flickered as the room bore witness to the storm brewing within the usually stoic mafia leader.

Becky, huddled over her computer, cross-referenced data and communicated with contacts in hushed tones. Katsuki, pacing like a caged tiger, shot occasional glares at the entrance, awaiting any news of the traitor.

In the midst of this turmoil, Tasha approached Becky, concern etched on her face.

Tasha: "Becky, what's going on with Katsuki? I've never seen her this agitated."

Becky, choosing her words carefully,

Becky: "i have no idea."

Tasha's eyes widened, realization dawning on her.

Tasha: "Aki's presence is affecting her this way? We need to tread carefully."

Meanwhile, Aki observed the unfolding chaos from a distance, sensing the magnitude of emotions swirling within the hideout. Approaching Tasha, he cautiously inquired about Katsuki's unusual demeanor.

Aki: "Tasha, is Katsuki always this... impatient?"

Tasha, glancing towards Katsuki lost in her thoughts, responded with a hint of concern.

Tasha: "Not usually. But your return seems to have set off a different kind of storm in her."

As the tangled web of emotions, betrayal, and the return of an unexpected figure continued to unravel, the once-stealthy hideout echoed with the unspoken tension that lingered beneath the surface. The pursuit of truth was not only about unmasking the traitor but also confronting the shadows of the past that threatened to engulf Katsuki's composure.

Suddenly Becky screamed

Katsuki quickly rushes over as Becky explains

Becky: it's one or more of these four men. I don't know why but there wasn't a proper background check on them and they actually worked in Takahashi's company before.

Katsuki: Get them here right now.

The cramped room, dimly lit by a single overhead bulb, served as the makeshift interrogation chamber. Katsuki, fueled by anger and determination, faced the four men Becky had identified as potential traitors. The air crackled with tension as she interrogated them one by one, her questions sharp and relentless.

Katsuki: "Who betrayed us? Speak up!"

Each man faced Katsuki's piercing gaze, their stoic expressions attempting to mask any signs of guilt or innocence. Becky and Tasha, standing on the sidelines, exchanged worried glances as Katsuki's aggression escalated.

Becky: "Katsuki, we need to be careful. Don't let anger cloud your judgment."

Tasha, echoing the sentiment, added, "Aggression won't lead us to the truth. Let's approach this rationally."

But Katsuki, fueled by an unstoppable rage, brushed aside their warnings.

Katsuki: "I'll handle this my way. We can't afford to be soft."

As the interrogation reached a fever pitch, Katsuki's aggression crossed a threshold. She became a force of nature, unyielding in her pursuit of the traitor. Becky and Tasha exchanged another glance, realizing that Katsuki's relentless pursuit might lead to unintended consequences.

Becky: "This isn't productive. We need to intervene before things get out of hand."

Tasha nodded in agreement, both women steeling themselves to confront the enraged mafia leader.

Despite their attempts, Katsuki pressed on, her fury reaching its zenith. The air in the room grew heavier with each passing moment.

Aki, observing from the shadows, recognized the dangerous trajectory of the situation. Sensing the need for intervention, he stepped forward, a calm but commanding presence.

Aki: "Katsuki, enough."

Katsuki, caught in the whirlwind of her emotions, glanced briefly at Aki but didn't relent.

Katsuki: "I'll decide when it's enough."

Aki, undeterred, approached her, his voice firm but gentle.

Aki: "Your anger won't bring us answers. Let me handle this."

Katsuki, momentarily caught off guard by Aki's intervention, took a step back. Aki, sensing the impact of his words, continued.

Aki: "We're a team. Let me talk to them. We'll find the truth together."

The room, once a battleground of aggression, fell silent. Katsuki, her anger momentarily subsiding, nodded in reluctant agreement. Aki, taking charge, began the process of interrogating the suspects with a calm determination, seeking the truth without the suffocating weight of rage. The unfolding events hinted at a delicate balance, a dynamic where Aki's presence could quell the storms within Katsuki, allowing for a more measured pursuit of justice.

As the suspect hesitated, reluctant to reveal the orchestrator behind the leak, Aki's steely gaze bore into him.

Aki: "Who coerced you into betraying us? Names."

The suspect, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, finally broke his silence.

Suspect: "It was Takahashi's son. Hiroto Takahashi. He promised us money if we leaked information."

The revelation hung in the air, and Aki, maintaining his composed exterior, turned to glance at Katsuki. A subtle tension lingered in the moment as Aki, in a cryptic manner, addressed Katsuki.

Aki: "Hiroto Takahashi. Quite a name from your past, isn't it?"

Katsuki, catching the nuance in Aki's words, met his gaze. The history between her and Hiroto Takahashi, marked by rejection and obsession, resurfaced in the face of the unfolding threat.

Aki, his expression betraying a hint of jealousy, continued.

Aki: "Seems like he's still holding onto something from back then. This goes beyond money, Katsuki. It's personal."

Katsuki, absorbing the revelation, nodded in acknowledgment. The tangled threads of her past now intertwined with the present, presenting a challenge that surpassed the realm of a mere leak.

As the room buzzed with the weight of the revelation, Aki and Katsuki found themselves entangled in a web of personal vendettas and dangerous alliances, setting the stage for a confrontation that would delve into the shadows of their shared history.

Ik didn't post for a while because I had exams one

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