CHAPTER 4: "i missed you..."

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The Tokyo skyline sparkled in the evening light as Katsuki and Riko found themselves at a quiet café, the air thick with the unspoken weight of years gone by. The reunion was long overdue, and Katsuki's guarded demeanor began to soften as she shared a cup of tea with her once-close friend.

"I missed this, Katsuki," Riko said, her eyes holding a mixture of sincerity and regret. "I'm sorry for how things drifted between us."

Katsuki sighed, her gaze lingering on the city lights beyond the window. "Yeah, well... life happened. Let's not dwell on it. What matters is now."
Riko chuckled, "i excalty know why you are here. You want to know about Aki? Right?"
"You know me too well, Riko" Katsuki replied.
"Katsuki do you remember the day you met him? The day he waited outside the school for you?" Riko asked her.
"I do and i certainly don't want to remember it." Katsuki replied in the same monotonous voice of her.
"You should before we talk about anything else"

Fifteen years back

Aki had waited patiently outside the school gates, his impish grin stretching into a confident smile as Katsuki finally emerged. "You can't avoid me forever, Katsuki," he teased.

Katsuki rolled her eyes, attempting to feign indifference. "Watch me."

Undeterred, Aki joined her on the bus, his casual charm earning him more than a few glances from intrigued classmates. Katsuki, determined to maintain distance, stood up and moved to a different seat.

However, the mundane bus ride took a distressing turn when an unwelcome stranger invaded Katsuki's personal space. Katsuki was triggered of a traumatic past. She froze, the weight of the past bearing down on her.

Aki, sensing her distress, swiftly intervened. "Hands off! She is mine." he warned the intruder, his eyes ablaze with a protective fury that surprised even Katsuki.

As the tension settled, Aki guided Katsuki to an empty seat, his tone softer now. "You okay?" His face looked worried, as if his brain was fighting within huggin Katsuki tight or giving her space.

Katsuki nodded, her eyes a mix of gratitude and lingering fear. "Yeah, thanks."

To break the tension, Katsuki reached into his pocket, producing her airpods "I've got just the thing to calm these nerves."

She played a song, one that Aki recognized instantly. The soothing melody filled their souls, wrapping around her like a comforting embrace. It was the same song he played whenever his world felt too chaotic.

Aki leaned back, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "See? Music has a way of healing."

Katsuki, touched by the gesture, couldn't help but crack a small smile. The bus ride continued, the music serving as a bridge between their worlds, an unexpected connection that hinted at the complexities of their future entanglement.

Back in the present

Tokyo's night, painted with neon hues, set the stage for Katsuki's meticulously crafted plan to ensnare the elusive Devil, Aki. Shadows danced in the alleyways as Aki, oblivious to the intricacies at play, walked into the carefully orchestrated trap.

Katsuki, concealed in the darkness, observed Aki's movements through a network of monitors. Aki strolled confidently through the dimly lit alleyways, unaware of the meticulously devised snare tightening around him.

As Aki turned a corner, he found himself surrounded by Katsuki's operatives. A choreographed dance unfolded, each member seamlessly executing their part in the plan. Aki's gaze met Katsuki's, a glint of recognition sparking between them.

"Running out of places to hide, Aki?" Katsuki's voice sliced through the tense air.

Aki, now circled by Katsuki's team, acknowledged her with a nod. "Impressive. You've finally caught me."

The team moved in, restraining Aki and securing him in handcuffs. As they closed in, Katsuki couldn't shake the mix of triumph and resentment within her. The Devil was within her grasp, but the shadows held more secrets than she had anticipated.

With Aki now captured, Katsuki stepped forward, her eyes locking onto his. "You've been playing a dangerous game, Aki. What's your endgame?"

Aki's gaze held a mixture of defiance and resignation. "I did what I had to do to keep you safe, Katsuki. You may not understand, but everything I did was for you."

Katsuki's eyes narrowed, skepticism etched across her face. "For me? Explain."

Aki sighed, his words carrying the weight of unspoken truths. "There are darker forces at play, Katsuki. I had to navigate those shadows to protect you, even if it meant becoming the Devil in your eyes."

The revelation hung heavy in the air. Aki's actions, once perceived as betrayal, now take on a different meaning. Katsuki, torn between anger and a reluctant acknowledgment, demanded answers.

"Shut the fuck up and just sign the papers." Katsuki said as she threw the papers in front of Aki. 

"I can't." Aki replied kneeling to the ground. 

"What are the reasons now?" Katsuki asked him with a maness in her eyes. 

"Because I never owned it. Who the fuck even told you I own it?"  Aki replied to the charm in his voice still there. 

"But my uncle said-" Katsuki tried speaking but she interfered "You still trust everything your uncle says?" Aki cut her off. 

There was a minute of silence. Katsuki was running her mind about where she went wrong. 

"You are telling me it's owned by-" Katsuki said in a soft and confused voice "Yes" Aki said out loud. "It's not owned by me, Not you uncle but that high asshole who keeps betraying everyone. I'm just his slave? Have always been." 

Katsuki was confused and speechless. Finally after a minute she spoke up. "Fine! Tasha. Retreat for today. Pack up everything for tonight. And take him with us. We can't let me go easily. We have things to clear." 

In the dimly lit room, Aki sat across from Katsuki, the air thick with unspoken tension. The revelation of Aki's covert actions lingered, creating a delicate balance between mistrust and the remnants of a once-shared history.

Aki took a deep breath, breaking the silence that hung between them. "Katsuki, when you left for the USA, I couldn't shake the feeling that danger followed you. I discovered threats, alliances, and hidden agendas that reached beyond our understanding."

Katsuki's eyes bore into Aki's, a mix of skepticism and curiosity in her gaze. "You were protecting me from afar? Why didn't you just tell me?"

Aki's expression softened, revealing a vulnerability beneath his enigmatic exterior. "I didn't want to involve you. The less you knew, the safer you were. I became the Devil to navigate those shadows, to shield you from the dangers that lurked."

He proceeded to unravel the intricate web he had woven—a network of informants, strategic interventions, and calculated maneuvers—all orchestrated to ensure Katsuki's safety during her time abroad.

Katsuki, conflicted, traced the lines of her past with newfound understanding. The Devil, once a symbol of betrayal, now emerged as a guardian in the shadows.

"I had to make tough choices, Katsuki. I couldn't risk your safety," Aki explained, his voice carrying the weight of a burden he had silently shouldered.

As the truth settled, Katsuki found herself at a crossroads. The shadows that had driven a wedge between them now revealed a deeper, more complex truth. She weighed the past against the present, grappling with the realization that Aki's actions, though shrouded in mystery, had been driven by a genuine desire to protect.

Finally, Katsuki extended her hand, a tentative gesture bridging the chasm that had separated them. "We may be bound by shadows, Aki, but if we're going to face whatever lies ahead, we do it together."

Aki, surprised by the gesture, met her hand with a firm grip. Katsuki felt the electric charge run through her hand. The same one she feltin the past. Ali's hand were rough but warm, same as the past. She wondered if he was the same past one. The one who would go out of the way for her.

Will they falling in love again now that they are together? 🤔

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