CHAPTER 11: "I don't need a doctor 👍"

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Present time
Katsuki walked out the building where they were questioning those traitors. She beelined to on of the benches near by bench.
She sat there her elbows on her knees fingers stuck inside her open, long and smooth hair.
She slowly opened the palm of her hand there was the tiny crumbled up where. The clue.

"Where cherry blossoms once danced in the moonlight, and vows were broken under the shadow of a lone sakura, there lies the beginning of your downfall."

She knew which cherry blossom this was now. And most probably so did Aki. Of course he did. Now that Hiroto's name was there she was sure it was that specific tree.

Katsuki couldn't imagine how much a person could fall for someone who doesn't even loves them back. She remembers how Hiroto was after her all the time even after she met Aki.


In the bustling schoolyard, Katsuki navigated through clusters of students, her books clutched tightly. Aki, unaware of the impending spectacle, stood at the entrance, ready to pick her up. Little did they know that Hiroto Takahashi had concocted a plan to win Katsuki's favor.

As Katsuki approached, Hiroto intercepted her path, a confident smile on his face. "Hey, Katsuki! I've been thinking, how about we go out sometime?"

Katsuki, with a sly grin, replied, "Actually, Hiroto, I'm already dating someone."

Hiroto, undeterred, feigned surprise, "Really? Who's the lucky guy?"

Just then, Aki stepped into view, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. Katsuki gestured toward Aki, saying, "Meet Aki, my boyfriend."

Aki, caught off guard by the sudden revelation, raised an eyebrow. Hiroto, determined to change the narrative, took a bold step forward, attempting to hold Katsuki's hand. "Come on, Katsuki, Aki's not here right now. How about giving me a chance?"

Katsuki, skillfully dodging Hiroto's advances, quipped, "Sorry, Hiroto, but I'm committed to Aki. Besides, he's right here."

Aki, now fully aware of the situation, approached with a hint of possessiveness. "Everything okay here?"

Katsuki, enjoying the playful banter, replied, "Absolutely. Hiroto was just trying to convince me to date him, but I told him I'm happily taken."

Aki, his competitive side emerging, looked Hiroto up and down. "Well, if she's happy, then I'm happy. Right, Katsuki?"

Katsuki, feeling the undercurrents of rivalry, decided to play along. "Absolutely, Aki. Let's go."

As they walked away, leaving Hiroto in their wake, Katsuki couldn't help but notice Aki's subtle shift in demeanor. She like it but, it made her feel her safe.

Back to present

She Katsuki thought of the incident her whole body began to shake. As the weight of the past pressed upon her, Katsuki felt the familiar claws of panic tightening around her chest. Gasping for breath, she instinctively reached for her pocket that held her escape—her haven in times of turmoil. A slender cigar emerged, a tangible lifeline in the midst of emotional storms.

With trembling hands, she ignited the tip, letting the smoke intertwine with the tendrils of her thoughts. The bitter-sweet aroma filled the room, creating a fragile sanctuary where the echoes of her past could be temporarily silenced.

Tasha and Becky, her ever-watchful guardians, had grown accustomed to Katsuki's coping mechanisms. The alternatives they provided—therapy and doctor's visits—were met with vehement resistance. In Katsuki's world, the cigar became a metaphorical shield, a means of self-medication to ward off the demons that lurked within.

As the smoke danced in ethereal patterns, Katsuki tried to find solace in the fragile tendrils that spiraled upwards. Each exhale seemed to carry with it the weight of memories, but it also bore witness to her resilience—a silent rebellion against the chaos that sought to consume her.

Katsuki grappled with the vulnerability that lingered beneath her stoic exterior. The courtyard incident, etched into the fabric of her existence, was a relentless adversary—one that left scars unseen but felt with every beat of her heart.

As the cigar dwindled, so did the echoes of panic, if only for a fleeting moment. Katsuki, a reluctant survivor of her own narrative, extinguished the ember.

That's when Aki comes out to look for her. Seeing her all shaken up and teary, red eyes ran up to her
Aki: Are you alright Katsuki?

Katsuki: I'm completely fine.

Aki: You sure? You don't seem alright?-

Katsuki: I said I'm fine.

Aki: Well, I think by now you know which cherry blossom tree it meant?

Katsuki: Yes, I also know that it wasn't set there by Takahashi. It was that bastard Hiroto.

Aki: Confirmed by those men.

Katsuki sighed, she gets up picking up her coat, "Wanna go for a drink?"

Hey posting after a while. I have given chapter names now...and they are like dialogues which hint at what might happen in the chapter. So keep an eye on them now. You never know what is going to happen.

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