CHAPTER 15: "she looks breathtaking"

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Katsuki stood before the mirror, examining herself in the enchanting ensemble she had chosen for the night's affair. The dress, a delicate fusion of midnight blue and silver, embraced her form with a subtle allure. The fabric flowed elegantly, caressing her curves, while the intricate patterns shimmered under the soft glow of the dressing room lights.

The neckline dipped modestly, adding a touch of sophistication, and the hemline teased the boundary between refined and daring. The dress accentuated Katsuki's confidence, each step echoing her graceful poise as she prepared to navigate the intricate dance of power and intrigue at the upcoming mafia gathering.

As she entered the grand hall of the opulent venue, the murmurs of the assembled mafia leaders surrounded her. The air was thick with tension, alliances, and the unspoken language of rivalries. Hiroto, his father, and Aki occupied prominent positions, their gazes catching the ethereal sight of Katsuki's entrance.

In the midst of the illustrious crowd, Katsuki's attire became a silent proclamation of her presence, a blend of beauty and strength that commanded attention in the clandestine world they inhabited.

The party buzzed with subdued conversations and calculated glances as Katsuki gracefully navigated through the crowd. Aki, catching a glimpse of her, couldn't help but be captivated by her allure.

Aki: (whispering to himself) "She looks breathtaking tonight. I should buy a dress like this for Katsuki too." He chuckles to himself still not knowing that Yonaka was Katsuki herself.

Meanwhile, Hiroto approached Katsuki with a smug grin, attempting to engage her attention.

Hiroto said smirking smirking, "Ms.Yonaka......, you look more stunning than ever. Care to join me for a dance?"

Katsuki replied brushing him off, "Hiroto, I'm here for business, not your attempts at charm.

Undeterred, Hiroto persisted, trying to insinuate himself into her evening.

Hiroto snapped back at her leaning in, "You know, we could make a formidable alliance, Ms.Yonaka."

Katsuki replied yet again coldly, "The only alliance I'm interested in is one that benefits me and my family, Hiroto. Excuse me"

She gracefully moved away, leaving Hiroto fuming in the wake of her indifference. As Aki observed the scene, a silent understanding lingered between them—secrets concealed beneath the veneer of a world filled with deceptions and hidden alliances...

Katsuki was now approached by a group of guests. Diachi followed behind them and introduced them. As they were talking the guests started to ask her some questions.

Guest 1: Ms.Yonaka, I heard rumors about a mysterious artifact. Any truth to that?

Katsuki replied smirking, "Rumors are just whispers in the dark, my friend. But if you need something, I might have an offer you can't refuse."

Guest 2: Ms.Yonaka, what's the key to your success in this cutthroat world?

Katsuki with a confident smile, "Adaptability and knowing when to strike. Like a panther in the shadows, waiting for the right moment."

High-Up 1: Ms.Yonaka, your family's operations have been intriguing. What's the secret behind your influence?

Katsuki replied back leaning in, confidentially, "Secrets are valuable commodities, my dear. Let's just say, we hold the keys to more than just doors."

Her responses were laced with mystery, leaving those who inquired both intrigued and apprehensive, a testament to Katsuki's adeptness in navigating the intricate dance of power and information in the underworld.

Hiroto, fueled by frustration and resentment, decided to approach Katsuki again, attempting to provoke a reaction.

Hiroto called out to her, "Ms. Yonaka, I've always admired your ability to keep things under wraps. Care to share your secrets?"

Katsuki still nonchalantly, "Hiroto, some things are better left undiscovered. You might find the consequences less than pleasant."

Hiroto said leaning in, "Is that a threat, Ms. Yonaka."

Katsuki smirked and pushed him away slightly, "No, just a friendly reminder that crossing certain lines can be detrimental."

Aki, keeping a watchful eye from a distance, felt a surge of protective instinct as he observed the tense exchange.

Suddenly Katsuki was approached by a really prominent member, Mr. Kang.
Mr. Kang with a stern expression, "Well, well, Katsuki Yoshida, you've made quite the stir tonight."

Katsuki replied calmly ,"Mr. Kang, I believe our partnership could have been mutually beneficial. I don't see why there should be any regrets."

Mr. Kang replied leaning in, "Oh, my dear, regrets are inevitable. Your father seemed quite adamant about rejecting our proposal."

Katsuki was surprised, "What? I explicitly told him to agree to the deal. Why would he...?

Katsuki looked at Daichi and he had a guilty look.

Mr. Kang smirked, "Seems like daddy dearest has a mind of his own. Perhaps he sees something you don't."

Katsuki's eyes narrow, a flicker of frustration passing over her composed facade.

Katsuki tried to contain her anger, "This wasn't the plan. We need unity, not internal conflicts."

Mr. Kang leaning back, "Unity, yes. But your father seems to have different priorities. You might find this decision has consequences."

Katsuki, concealing her growing discontent, maintains her diplomatic demeanor.

Katsuki forced a smile, "I'll handle the situation. Unity is crucial for our success."

Mr. Kang started to way away while saying, "Yeh don't try. It's over already."

As Mr. Kang leaves, Katsuki's mind races with questions. Her father's unexpected refusal not only jeopardizes their alliances but hints at underlying tensions within their own family.

That's when Hiroto's father, Mr. Shigeki Tanaka, came up to a podium of sort and clinked his glass grabbing everyone's city.

"Ladies and Gentlemen today....we have two important anouncemnts. Number one. Us, Tanaka Enterprise and Mr. Kang and his company are going to finally join hands."

Everyone started clapping and had fake smile because they were all jealous. Katsuki's angry rose. She was soo angry at her father. But that's when Mr. Tanaka continued.

"And number two. My son, Hiroto Tanka, will finally be successing over the company. He will be the one in control so that I can take a rest."

Hiroto gets up on near his father and they both are smiling and everyone is smiling.

Now this was a revolution. This meant a new age and it meant bad. Katsuki couldn't do this anymore. She got up, put down her glass and made her way out, Daichi following up behind her. She needed to talk to her father right now.

Is Mr.Kang important? We will find out soon.

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