Chapter 3

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"Yoo-hoo!" Shinobu said elegantly, all windows in the butterfly mansion were closed

"Hmm Hmmmm!" The demon girl said, it was normal for the residents of the Butterfly Mansion to play charades to communicate with Nezuko.

Nezuko and Shinobu had been spending more time with each other, as Nezuko did with all the butterfly girls. Since she became a demon, she acted more childish and cutesy. 

Nezuko once pointed at Aoi and put her hands on the sides of her head, she then flowed her hands down near her shoulders. Kanao was confused, but eventually she realized that Nezuko wanted Aoi's hairstyle.

After a few butterfly clips later, Nezuko had light pink and light blue clips into pigtails.

"Nezuko-san, I don't usually have time to talk to you, but I just wanted to apologize for trying to kill you, all that went through my mind was that you were a demon" She bowed her head down to her

This was about the seventh time she had apologized since the two same to the mansion

Nezuko looked at her and tilted her head , "Hmm Hmmm!" Nezuko pounced forward and hugged the woman, they were around the same height.

It was May, Shinobu just came back from her mother's grave in another nearby village.

Nezuko blushed slightly, she reached her arm out and gave Lady Kocho a folded peace of paper

"Ara? What's this Nezuko-san?" She opened the paper and gasped "T-This is for me?" she put a hand to her mouth and tears almost came to her eyes.

The page had butterflies and flowers on it, and in the middle three words. Happy Mothers Day.

"You see me as your mother?" Shinobu raised a brow

"Hmm Hmmm!" Nezuko nodded her head up and down rapidly

Author's note: By the way, I will not tolerate Nezuko slander. If you don't like her, you don't need to say so

Shinobu leaped forward and hugged her tight as ever, someone was standing in the corner silently

"Hmm?" Nezuko said

"Tomioka-san? How long have you been there?"

"I have mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye. Watch." He said nothing and stood still. "What does the paper say?"

Authors Note: If you get that reference, you're cool. If you don't get the reference, you're still cool

"Happy mothers day . . . ." Shinobu said happily, saying with her face 'Isn't that so cute??!!!'

"Good for you"

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro called out, he stopped dead in front of Shinobu and bowed down  "Shinobu-sama, thank you for taking care of Nezuko while I was away" it was normal for the younger Demon Slayers to respect Shinobu 

"It's perfectly fine, Kamado-kun!" she said cheerfully "Your sister is an absolute gem~"

"Uh- Tomioka-san! Good to see you!" Tanjiro bowed down "What's that Nezuko?" he reached for the paper and read it "Uh-" He blinked repetitively "Was this for Shinobu-sama?" 

"Hmm hmmmmm!" Nezuko said cutely

"Oh.... well this is awkward . . . . but . . . . I actually got something for you too." He pulled a cutely wrapped box out of his Haori. He saw Shinobu blush "I-I just thought, what better day to show my appreciation and gratitude towards you?"

"Kamado-kun, I'm honored that you see me as your mother, I don't deserve this kind of title"

"Y-You like it?" 

"I haven't even seen it, but I know I'll love it" She clasped Tanjiro's hand

Giyuu was standing there watching the two, he had an unpleasant look on his face

"Oh don't worry Tomioka-san! I'm sure the Kamado siblings will get you something for fathers day~" she teased

Tanjiro caught on her teasing "Oh come now, Shinobu-sama. Don't spoil my plans~"

Shinobu laughed and Giyuu blushed out of embarrassment.

Nezuko caught on the embarrassed expression with Giyuu's face, she tapped him on his shoulder and gave him a hug when he looked down

'Tomioka-san always looked like someone who needed a hug, he seems to short circuit when anyone shows him affection though. He's giving off a happy scent, first time I've smelled that' Tanjiro thought

"Maybe that's not what he was upset about" Zenitsu smirked 'I wish Nezuko-chan would give me a hug too'

"You need something? Zenitsu-kun?" Shinobu asked softly

Zenitsu blushed "I-I wanted to give you something for mothers day" he threw a small gift box at her and Shinobu only barely caught it in time

Shinobu was struck at this point, all of the people in the butterfly mansion don't have mothers. Did they all really see her as their only mother?

"S-Shinobu-sama? Don't cry." Tanjiro urged

Zenitsu hadn't noticed her tears yet "Well, I'm gonna go, bye!" he almost sped out of there before Giyuu bonked him on the head 

"You're staying and that's final. Spend mothers day like a normal person would you?" he glared

"B-But, Shinobu-sama isn't my real mother-" 

Someone different bonked him "Hey, don't talk to your mother like that" he laughed

"Why are you even here? Do you have to be in Everywhere at once????" Zenitsu yelled

"Shut up scrub" Uzui yelled 

Shinobu side-eyed Uzui "What did you call Zenitsu-kun?"

"F**k this s**t I'm out" Uzui left at the speed of sound


"What was that?" Tanjiro asked

"I don't know" Giyuu said, he eyed Zenitsu and looked around, as if something were nearby

"Hehehehehee!!!!!!!!!!" they heard from . . . above? Of course Inosuke had crept onto the roof and seemed to defy gravity

"Inosuke-kun, what's wrong?" Shinobu asked 

"Aoi told me about something called mothers day, I decided to get something for you!" he pointed at himself proudly "And I believe I Picked it out perfectly"

Shinobu's eyes were still red from crying, the tears returned swiftly.

"Does everyone in this room see Kocho as their mother?" Giyuu commented


"It's the superior way to greet people!!!" he said in a rugged voice

Shinobu put a hand to her face, Tanjiro was trying to separate Inosuke and Zenitsu who were at each other's throats, Giyuu was holding Nezuko. Was this what it felt like? Being part of a family? She laughed lightly, "What did I do to deserve all this?"

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