Chapter 10

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"Remind me why you invited me here?" Sanemi rolled his eyes, as if he didn't want to spend some time with someone who felt like a second sister. 

The Demon Slayer Corps all thought that when Shinobu found out for Sanemi's love for Kanae, she would be furious and throw a fit. 

But in reality, Sanemi had Shinobu's blessings within seconds, Shinobu took his hand and led him to a different room to see Kanae and her other sisters.

She honestly really loved the idea of having Sanemi as a brother, he never confessed, though from what Shinobu asked her, she looked like she loved him back. 

She wouldn't betray her sister and tell Sanemi about the way she spoke of him ever so dreamily

But telling him after Kanae's death was just wrong and messed up.

"Don't you want to see the others?" Shinobu cheered

"Yeah, but I haven't seen them since Kanae passed away. Don't you think that'll make them upset?"

"Aoi and Kanao never really talked of you. But you know how they acted around you" She cheered

"They were terrified of me, and Aoi stared me down for a while when she learnt about me and Kanae"

He had taken her out on a date 3 times and was going to confess his love for her the night she died. He tried to forget her death everyday

"She didn't know how to feel, Aoi's much different now. And they warmed up to you eventually"

He hadn't seen those girls in 2 whole years. They probably grew taller than their sister.

"Shinobu, what do you think about Rat-face?"

"Who?" She asked, trying to not laugh at the nickname

He grumbled "Tomioka, he seems more comfy around you. It kinda ticks me off" He thought of the times he saw the two, he could tell incredibly well whenever Giyuu would stare at Shinobu's hand

"Oh? He's a wonderful friend, I want to be friends with him forever!"

Sanemi kind  of felt more ticked off at how much Shinobu pointed at them being friends, like she was lying to him, he wanted to change the subject "When are you going to stop your doses?" he talked in case anyone was eavsdropping on them, he meant the doses of poison she was consuming

"You know the answer to that"

"Can you lay off those for a bit? Look at yourself, you're pale as a dove." He said meanly

She smiled cheerfully "Don't worry, Shinazugawa-san. I'm fine"

He rested his hand on her shoulder "No one who's ever said that means it"

She raised a brow "How many times have you said it?"

"Per day or what?" he said jokingly "Shinobu, if something good happens, and we're all alive by Kibutsuji's defeat, what are you going to do with your life?"

"That's an odd visual that I'd be alive, but I guess I'd live on as a woman normally"

"So you'd get married?"

"Sure, a life like that would be . . . beautiful" They inverbally decided to stand by a window. Sanemi stared ahead as if he felt bad for the girl, the dream of an ethereal and normal life, he'd wanted that as well.

"Who would you marry?" Ssnemi asked

She chuckled "I've no idea"

Sanemi thought to himself "I used to wondered how orphaned women get married"


"I mean, when you have no parents, when the husband has no in-laws. Who walks you down the aisle?"

"Walks me down the aisle?" a spark went off in her mind "I think I know why you were thinking about this..."


"Was there ever a point where you wanted to marry somebody specific?" She knew it was Kanae

Sanemi laughed at the thought "If only that was our life, and to answer your question, that's a secret"

She chuckled back "I'd say an older man who they feel like family with would walk a girl down the aisle, if I got married, I'd pick Himejima-san. I'm sure Nee-san would have done the same at your imaginary wedding" She teased

"You wanna see the girls now?"


"Aoi-chan, Kanao-chan!" She clapped her hands together "Come here, I have someone I want you two to see!~~"

Kanao walked in and her eyes widened upon seeing Sanemi "Wind Hashira-sama" she bowed down to Sanemi

"Don't bow, where's Aoi?" Sanemi told her

"Aoi's serving the patients their lunch"

Sanemi felt randomly unsettled "Which patients?"

"Kamado, Agatsuma, Hashibira and Shinazuga-" She clasped her hands over her mouth

"Genya's here? I see, is the brat injured?" he felt a sharp jab in the rib 

"Weather he's your brother or not, you may not call my patients names" Shinobu said sternly

"Right, sorry" he muttered, "Can I go see him?"

"If you're going to shatter his self esteem once again, then no. That boy's seemed to be going through something" Shinobu scolded

"Something as in?"

"He talks to the others once a day, and he keeps falling on his head when he goes to sleep. He's having severe limb pain, he won't be on missions for a while. He doesn't eat anything either, despite his condition, he is able to eat normal food. He chooses not to though" Shinobu explained

Sanemi took that all in "I'll be back" he left to the patients room, he saw a pigtailed girl who he didn't realize was Aoi.

"Shinazugawa" she was referring to Genya "I know about your habit of eating demon meat, but you should know that it isn't nutritious"

"Aoi, I'm just not hungry. I don't need to eat anyways"

Aoi knew most of the patients and what they liked all too well "We're having watermelon slices today~. Don't you like watermelon?" she said sweetly

He tried to keep himself from looking at the slices "Fine"

"Good! Now, I'll save some for you if you try to eat more often. Keep this up, and you'll fall sick"

"Fine" he grumbled, his eyes looked at the door and he saw a glimpse of Sanemi "Is that?"

Aoi turned around and saw Sanemi, she froze for a while. He looked the exact same, she walked over to him "Wind Hashira-sama, what brings you here?" her eyebrows burrowed "Here to see your brother?"

"No- wait you're Aoi?"

"Yes? Do you forget people's faces that easily?" Aoi said sternly

"No, you just got taller"

"That is the dumbest excuse for not recognising someone I've ever heard" Genya muttered

He growled "SHUT UP, YOU F**KING BRAT" he got a second smack on the head by Aoi

"You will not talk to the butterfly mansions' patients like that, weather he's your brother or not. Did you scome to see Genya or not?" Aoi said sternly as Genya's eyes lit up

he blatantly lied "No, err, I came to talk to, errr" he said the only name he knew in the room "Kamado, Kamado, we need to talk"

Almost everyone looked at Sanemi as if he had just said the stupidest thing known to man 

"Are you on drugs?" Genya asked

"I dare you to say that again" Sanemi glared at Genya

Sanemi rolled his eyes and walked over to Tanjiro, he really didn't want to talk to him 

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