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Aqeel POV

I was walking home with my friends but then I had to go a different path from them since I don't live as close to them like they all do.

"Ah bye Aqeel." We shook hands and they walked off continuing their conversation, whilst I was heading to my house, putting in my air pods. 

Once I reached my house I opened the door to see my mum and dad cleaning but really harsh and quick. We don't usually do deep cleaning in this house unless we were going somewhere or people were coming here, which they hadn't told me so it seemed quite strange for my mum to force my dad to help her clean. I just stood watching my dad scrub the sofas whilst my mum was brushing the floor and I couldn't help but ask. 

"Guys, why are you cleaning?" They both looked up at me, my dad facing me with a weary face and my mum handing me the mop. 

"Aqeel, you can help with the mop." There was no chance I was going to be doing the mop, I had a busy day ahead of me, like needing to find Kyra's address and...other busy stuff. When I waited for my mum to look away, I dashed upstairs knowing that she could hear my trainers anyways.

When I got to my room I took my P.E bag off from my shoulder and then took my jacket off as it was getting warmer outside. Now all that's left to do is tell my parents I'm heading to the library because I can't let them find out I was going out to look for a girl. I wouldn't know if they would be happy or not since they tell me they want me married off but then tell me not to stay with girls. But one more thing before I leave, I must spray cologne all over me a thousand times because the ladies surely love that.

I was for sure ready to leave now, and just as I reached the bottom of the staircase, a knock came at the door.

"Raheeb quick get the door, I think it's them." My dad went to get the door, seeing me right in front of it where the stairs end.

"You could've just answered it Aqeel." He sighed whilst opening it and saw 2 people with a tray of cookies and beaming smiles on their faces.

"Look, we don't have money to give out, or to give to anywhere else and we are busy so, goodbye." Then he slammed the door shut, but they decided to knock again which made my dad fuming.

"I think I told you already that-"

"Sir just wait please, we don't need you to buy our cookies we want to give them to you!"

"Yeah, and we are your new neighbours!"

"Hm, you sure you didn't put something in those cookies?"

"Of course not, we would never do something like that!"

"Oh, well in that case come inside." Snatching the cookies out of their hands, he ripped open the clingfilm that was wrapped around them and started to eat them as he made his way to the kitchen, whilst my mum greeted them into the living room.

"Hello, it's so nice to finally meet you both, you must be Elisa and Mateo. How are you both doing?"

"Yup, that's us! We are good thanks, We just need to clear out all the empty boxes that we now have and it's all great."

"I was going to come over, but I thought you would be busy."

"Your welcome to come over anytime but anyways how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, we were actually planning on going to a restaurant tomorrow." Of course, my mum was lying straight to their faces. For some reason she always has to build up an image to people that she has a perfect life and goes out all the time, which I still don't understand.

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