Chapter 1: Glipwood

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Rose woke up to the bright spring sun shining through her window. She opened her blue eyes with a yawn, and after stretching briefly, got up. Today was 5th day, (5th day of the week) which meant she got to babysit the Igiby's. She met them shortly after moving here not too long ago, and her and Nia, their mom, soon became close friends. She had a total of three beautiful children, Janner, who was 8. Kalmar or Tink, who has just turned 7. And Leeli who was 5. Every 5th day, Nia and her father, Podo, would go into town for supplies and that was when she would babysit them. They were quite a handful, but fun nevertheless.

She down her breakfast of hotcakes and hogpig sausages, then dressed and left for the Igiby cottage.

She breathed in the fresh spring air as she walked her way there. She didn't own a horse of any kind, but it didn't really matter. Everywhere she needed to go was within a very reasonable walking distance. She spotted a Flabbit not too far away and stopped briefly to admire the strange creature. It looked similar to what you would call a rabbit, except for its large beaver-like teeth which were used to eat the poor unsuspecting bugs in its path. She continued on her small journey and was met with Peet The Sockman, who was current insulting a poor street sign's mother. She continued on and soon arrived at the cozy cottage.

She knocked and the door opened to an exhausted Nia, her brown hair starting to come out of the long braid she always wore it in.

"Hello Rose, come on in. Sorry about the mess, those three are very energetic today."

"It's no problem." Rose replied, waving it off. She's seen worse. Let's just say she grew up with three older brothers.

"Children! Aunt Rose is here!"

In a flash the three children appeared beside her, smiles on their bright faces. Janner was the spitting image of who she guessed was his father, with bright blue eyes and light brown hair. Tink looked very similar to Nia, except he has the same blue eyes a Janner. Leeli was the only blonde one but had the same eyes as her brothers. She also walked with a small crutch because her right leg was twisted in at an odd angle. Rose had asked Nia about that before, but she didn't go into too much detail, all she knows is that a small accident happened shortly after her birth.

"Aunt Rose!" They all cried happily. No, she wasn't really their aunt, but since her and the whole family were pretty close she felt like one.

"Guess what? I ate a bug yesterday!" Tink exclaimed. His given name was Kalmar, but everyone called him Tink.

"Oh really?" Rose asked. "Did your grandpa cook again?" She whispered, making the three laugh.

"I heard that." Said a gruff voice.

Everyone looked up to see their old pirate grandpa, Podo enter the room on his peg leg, a garden hoe in one hand.

"And no I did not cook yesterday. Tink just wanted to know what bug tasted like." He chuckled.

"It tasted good! Why don't we eat those?"

"Because not everyone thinks they're as good as you do." Nia replied, ruffling his brown curls. "Alright we should be back by sundown. Behave you three." She pointed to each of them.

"We will mama." Leeli replied.

"We best get goin', gotta return this hoe as soon as possible, don't want the Fangs to get angry." Podo said, making the cheery mood disappear.

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