Chapter 7: A Game of Zizby

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Rose woke up and found out that she had slept in, which didn't surprise her. Shortly after making sure Peet's arm was ok, he offered to walk her home to make sure that she would get there safely. She did arrive home safe, but at a very late hour and instantly went to bed.

She got up and started to make breakfast when she heard a knock at the door. She went to answer it, but remembering the events from last night, was armed with a frying pan. She cautiously opened the door to find nothing but the prettiest blue rose with a note attached to it. The writing was a bit sloppy, but she could still somewhat make out what it said.

On my way home last night, I found this. It is now yours.


Rose was deeply touched by how sweet this was, and immediately got a vase and filled it with water, then put the beautiful flower in it.

She went out of her house with a new skip in her step as she went about her daily chores.

"Hi aunt Rose!"

She turned around at the familiar voice and was greeted by the three Igiby children in the back of a wagon with Podo in the front.

"Hey Igiby's!" She replied. "Where are you all off to?"

"Grandpa's taking us to go play Zizby at the Blaggis Estate." Tink replied.

"Ooh! Sounds like fun!"

"Wanna come? You and me can be the scorekeepers." Leeli offered.


Rose hopped in the wagon and soon they were all off.

"You ok aunt Rose? You're sighing a lot." Leeli asked about five minutes later.

"Oh! Yes, I'm fine. I just had a crazy night last night." She replied, putting her blonde up into a messy bun.

"What happened?" Janner asked.

Rose thought for a moment. Should she tell them? Podo would probably get worried. But what if-

"Whoa, Danny!" Podo said, interrupting her thoughts. "Alright we're here. Janner, keep an eye out."

"Yes sir." He replied.

They all got off the wagon and waved Podo off as he went into town for a much needed drink.

"Let's start!" One of the Blaggis boys exclaimed once Podo left.

"But we can't start without her!" His brother exclaimed. "She's the team captain and-"

"Sure we can! I'll pick who I want, and she can have the leftovers."

Just then, Sarah Cobbler came riding in on a gambloat.

"You weren't gonna start picking teams without me were you, Bunce?" She asked, throwing her zizby ball into his chest.

"Whoa! You made this?" He asked.

"Yeah, it took me two weeks to get it perfectly stuffed." She replied.

"That's amazing Sarah!" Janner exclaimed, looking at the ball.

"Thanks, Janner." Sarah replied with a smile.

"No,!" Janner replied awkwardly.

Rose did her best not to laugh aloud.

Soon they were picking teams, and all seemed to be going well until Sarah said she wanted Leeli.

"Sarah, you know I'm not good at zizby. I've mostly just sat on the side and watched it my whole life." Leeli said.

"That's exactly why I picked you! You know every rule in the crazy game, and that's gonna help us win."

Rose gave Leeli an encouraging nod. "You can do it, Leeli!"

Soon the game started and it was pretty exciting, until the end of the first game block and Tink accidentally knocked Sarah's ball into Glipwood forest.

"I'll get it." Rose said, standing up and stretching.

"Rose no, the woods are dangerous." Leeli said, worried.

"I'll be fine." She reassured. "Plus it didn't go that far in."

She made her way into the forest and soon found the ball. She had just picked it up when she heard what sounded like someone dropping down behind her. Fangs she thought, until she heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, me lady."

"Peet!" Rose exclaimed. "I thought you were a fang."

"Nope, it's must je- just me." He replied.

A cave blast suddenly flew past the pair, then charged at Rose until Peet smacked it off to the side.

"Oh! Thank you. Hey, there's a game of zizby going on nearby, would you like to help me keep score?" She asked, and he nodded eagerly.

"Hi Mr. The Sock Man!" Leeli said, seeing him as they returned.

Right as Rose was about to ask if he could join in Podo arrived.

"Come on you lot! Let's get home." Podo called, then saw Peet.

Rose had never seen his eyes so full of hatred like what she was witnessing at that moment. It made her do a double take.


Rose ate with the Igiby's that night, having good food and conversation.

"So Rose," Janner said. "Before we arrived at the Blaggises, you said that you had an exciting night? What happened?"

Rose shifted. "You know the fang Slarb? He...came and attacked me."

They all gasped.

"Are you all right? Did he hurt you?" Nia asked.

"No, I'm fine." She replied quickly.

"How did you get away?" Janner asked.

"Peet saved me."

"The Sockman!?" Tink exclaimed.

"Yes, he's actually very sweet once you get to know him." Rose replied, smiling to herself.

"Rose, I think you'd better stay here for the next few days." Nia said, sharing a glance with Podo. "It could be dangerous for you to be on your own with a fang like him around."

"I agree, the last thing we need is for you to get hurt, or worse." Podo added.

Rose nodded. "That would be wise."

Sorry this took so long, low inspiration lol. But it seems to be coming back :D

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