Chapter 8: Anklejelly Manor

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Rose woke up on the Igiby's sofa and stretched. The Igiby's had helped her set up a temporary living space in the living room for her, and Podo had been kind enough to help fetch some of her own belongings, which were now in a trunk by the sofa. She got up and started breakfast, it was the least she could do in return for their kindness. Janner soon came down the stairs, already dressed and looking nicer than usual.

"Well someone looks nice!" Rose commented, stirring the hotcake batter.

"Thanks." Janner replied with a smile, happy he looked good.

"Is there a reason why you're all dressed up?" She asked.

"Well, I'm meeting a friend by the bridge to see a rare flower."

"Wow! That sounds cool!"

"Yeah, she said it only blooms once every seven years."

"She?" Rose replied, giving him a smirk.

"Um- w-well-" He stuttered, a blush creeping to his cheeks.

"It's alright, Janner. I'm just teasing you." She said, ruffling his brown hair.

He sighed with relief as she continued.

"What's her name?"

"Sarah Cobbler." He replied, sitting at the table.

"Oh! Is she the same one that was the team captain a few days ago?"

"Yeah, she said to go to the bridge just after breakfast."

"Well you'd better hurry up and eat then." Rose said, setting the plate of hotcakes in front of him.

"Aunt Rose?"


"Um...have you ever liked anybody? Like, like-liked?"

She smiled. "Maybe a few times, but none of them ever really felt like the one."


"It's alright though. The Maker knows what he's doing, and maybe one day I'll meet that right man for me."

Soon the rest of the family entered and joined in breakfast, talking about the chores for the day and the weird dream Tink had last night, which involved him marrying a totato plant.

"I will never look at Totatoes the same way again." He said while the rest of the family laughed.

"Thank you for breakfast, Aunt Rose." Janner said, getting up and putting his plate in the sink. "I'm going to go and meet Sarah now."

Nia got up and kissed him. "Be safe."

"I will, mama. Bye everyone!" He said, running out the door.

After everyone else finished eating, the daily chores began and Rose went out with Nia and Podo to help out with Danny, their horse.

"So Rose," Nia said after a bit. "How did you get to know Peet?"

"Well, after he saved me from that cow four years ago, we've sort of just been seeing each other more often." She replied.

Nia smiled slightly as she poured some water into Danny's trough. It was good that he had someone like Rose, other than her he had no one.

"They took Sarah!"

Rose turned to find a tearful Janner run into the barn and the three adults rushed to him.

"What happened?" Nia asked.

"The Fangs!-Slarb- T-the Black Carriage!" He stuttered.

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