Chapter 4: Release

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Angie's perspective

The more disappearances that had occurred, the closer they were to finding out. I was on the rooftop trying to keep myself together when I heard someone talking."Angelica, what are you doing up here?"It was Jazleen talking to me. All of a sudden I didn't think twice and immediately ran to her. "Jazleen, listen, I don't know what's going on but I need your help please,"I said desperately. "Angie what's going on, and what's up with your eye?"Jazleen asked me. Then I knew she was taking control. "J-just run and don't look back," I said, even if she hurts me I don't want to hurt her. "But can you tell me what's wrong," Jazleen said. "Not here," I replied "I-I'll tell you another time but now you have to-"

She took control "Die," she said "A-Angie snapped out of it," Jazleen said, trying to get to me but we both knew that one of us would not survive.. "Angie is gone,"the shadow replied. "No! She's in there, I know she is,'' Jazleen shouted.

I was shocked so much that it gave me the strength to fight back the urge. " Leave her alone,"I told the shadow. I gained control "No!" the shadow yelled. Then Jazleen and I turned around and left the rooftop, leaving the shadow there.. " I need a plan,"I heard the shadow mutter before I left. "Not today or any more," someone said.  

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