Chapter 11: Helping them

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Christine's perspective

When Angie went to the bathroom I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what. "Hey, is something wrong with Angie?" I asked, "No, why?" Jack questioned. Had this just started or did she not tell them? I was confused but I didn't know. Then I heard something scratching on the bathroom door. "didn't Angie just go to the bathroom?" Crystal asked. "Maybe it's one of her little pranks," Jack replied as he went to open the door. But he was wrong. Angie had turned into a vampire but she just transformed so we could still make sure that she doesn't eat anyone or drink anyone's blood (Do vampires eat people?). "Jack, go find something to cover her mouth that won't hurt her," I said frantically. "On it," Jack replied. Crystal and I held her back while Jack did what I said." I found something!" Jack yelled. "Good," I replied while pinning her down on the floor. "Hurry put it in her mouth!" I yelled and he did and Angie passed out.

"What happened to her?" Crystal asked. "I don't know, '' I replied getting up from the floor.. Angie woke up a few hours later. "Are you okay?" I asked, concerned for her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. I was worried about her because I knew she wasn't but could I do anything about it? I felt bad for her and I tried to keep an eye on her but she was always in her room so I didn't see her often but when I did she seemed fine. But when I went to her room there were scratches all over the wall and floor so I knew I had to do something about it. "Angie, can we talk?" I asked "Sure what's up?" she replied, " I see what you do in your room you know," I said to her in a concerned voice "Oh..." she said back quietly "If you need anything we are here for you," I said "Are you sure because I don't think you guys are actually going to be there for me and you just got back from the hospital, I'm already put you to work and that's not what I want, I want us to be happy," she said angrily "we are happy and nothing is going to change that, So what if I just got back from the hospital I have work to catch up on anyways so I would be working on that and taking care of you guys already so I don't care if you're putting me to work, I'm already doing work, okay" I replied. She was crying a lot and hugged me which was rare but I didn't mind. As I said I started going back to what I was doing but Angie was way more clingy but I knew why, she was scared that she would lose control again and she knew that I would be the one to stop her. I felt bad that she was living like this but we were here for her but one day she was missing and we looked in the forest first and she was out of control and she was about to attack someone but I stopped her in the nick of time and she was really grateful and sorry but I knew it wasn't her fault but she still felt guilty and so did I. I felt bad that I couldn't do more for her but in a few moments she was asleep but it wasn't a typical nap, she slept for a week and she still was asleep "I'm worried about her" I said "I know but I called a doctor to check her out" Jack said, "Good".A few minutes later the doctor arrived but found nothing wrong with her. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH HER" I yelled and then once again everything went black. "CHRIS CALM DOWN" someone yelled "damn it," I said to myself quietly " I lost it again I can't do this anymore," I said " Chris you out all people can do this," someone said to me, wait no not someone, Eric said to me. "Eric, where are you... I can't see you," I said "Don't worry Chris, I'm here" I tried so hard to calm down but I couldn't. "Chris, listen, the only reason they didn't find anything wrong with her is because that's how she gains strength, she gains strength by sleeping" When he said that it calmed me down enough to where I was back into reality."Are you okay?" Jack said very loudly "Yeah fine" I said "come on sit on the couch". I could barely stand so they helped me to the couch. "I'm sorry," I said to the doctor "It's fine, are you still new to this power of yours," he said " Yes" I replied. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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