Chapter 8: Recovery

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Angie's perspective

Chris woke up a few days later and we asked her what happened."What do you mean?" she asked. "You don't remember what happened?" Jack asked. "No, I have no idea what you're talking about," she said. She was starting to get angry."So tell me why you were in the forest then?" Jack asked. "Trying to get my mind off things," Chris responded. "Okay, so what do you remember?" Crystal asked. "I was sitting in the forest and started to feel some pain in my stomach so I thought I was hungry and then everything went bl-... oh," she said "Yeah you were hungry alright, " I said matter of factly. " What do you mean?" she asked. "You turned into a bear, Chris," Jack informed Chris.

"What?" she said confused."You tried to eat Angie," Crystal said. "No, I'm not a- oh my god," I showed her what she did when she was a bear. "I-I did that?" she said, shocked. "We'll talk about this later but for now rest, okay?" Jack said. "Okay," she responded. "A person can change fate multiple times," said a man. "But you can't change prophecies, because that's how things are supposed to be". 

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