Chapter 7: Missing

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Angie's perspective

"Brother! Brother!" Me and Crystal shouted. "What is it?" he said. "Chris is missing!" we both shouted in unison. "WHAT!!" he shouted. Then he said "Don't worry we will find her, mark my words," And we went to school. "Now where did she go," Jack muttered to himself. He went to the forest to see if she was there. Nothing, he looked for hours and then he had to pick us up from school. Then he searched for her again. "Chris! Chris!" He shouted over and over but he couldn't find her.

It was getting late so he went home. It was a Saturday so Crystal, Jack (our brother),and I went to go find her."Chris! Chris! Please come out, this isn't funny!" I said. Then out of nowhere a bear attacked me. "AHHH!" I screamed. The bear was hungry and I was its food. It was about to attack me again but my brother came just in time. And with his sword, he beat the bear. "Are you okay?" he asked. " Yeah fin- ow". My stomach got hit badly and I was bleeding a lot. Then some glowing lights came from the bear and it revealed it was Chris. "C-CHRIS!" I shouted " Oh god. She was the bear?" He said horrified. We rushed her to the hospital where they treated both Chris and my wounds. 


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