Already 2 years?

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Already? 2 years since the hell started... Ugh..! And we still havent figured what the fuck happened! Nevermind. Well, atleast we got more supplies and weapons from the gunshop? Thats progress...right? Screw it. Let me start.




Aiden (absolute maniac)




Tay :]



Whaddaya need?

Aiden (absolute maniac)
Wellll it has been 2 years since we all know eachother now. Thought we might hang out today and maybe sleepover?

Whats the point if were gonna flop unconcious at 12 and be stuck in the hell hole for 7 hours

Tay :]
TYLER. ENOUGH. Ehem. Anyways, we're in :D

I mean. Im down but ill have to check with my grandparents :/

Aiden (absolute maniac)
Ash? Wbu? :)


Im allowed >:D

Read by 6.


Oh well, i guess im going. Honestly, this time i feel a bit glad im seeing them for the weekend. This time to chill and have fun. Not to talk about survivior tactics.

*time skip to 4:15 pm*

"Mom! Dad! Im going to Aidens to sleepover!"

"Again?" Emma chuckled

"Yeah, why?"

"You guys seem close, is there anything between you two???"
Emma smirked

"Wh- n-no?"
Ashlyn blushed from embarassment

"Em, dont, you said you wanted to have those 'parent expirences', dont make fun of her now."
Mike stirred his coffee

"Finnaly someone gets me, thanks dad"

"Awe love i wasnt making fun of you! Im glad you have friends, keep them."
Emma winked and smiled

"Anyway, imma head out, love you"
Ashlyn went out of the door and started walking to Aidens place.


"Ben? Do you maybe remember where i put the salted caramel popcorn at?"

Aiden searched the cabinet

Ben quickly opened text to speech app and typed

"What, no? Besides, since when do you like those?"

unussually close..    (Aidlyn Oneshots That I Cant Sleep Without)Where stories live. Discover now