"Tf are they so quiet for?"

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SO UM BEFORE WE GET INTO THIS ONE... IDK IF ANYONE IS CONFUSED OR SUMN BUT THESE STORIES DO NOT CONNECT. (and if theres ppl wonder what about tylers and aidens injury i am writing this like during the one year wait before all the shit happened and wtv. I miss them sm its insane. I hope red is okay and that the episodes are goin okayyy.) LETS GET INTO IT. YIPPIE!!!! (Btw if you guys are confused why ash is explaining scenarios like this its bc i had this vision of her having a diary but would just REFUSE to call it that.) EHEM. ANYWAY...

Oh well. This one will be interesting to explain. Im hiding this notebook better after writing this one because i will move away and start a new life if ANYONE reads this story. So it was a basic friday and we had an extended weekend and me and the group decided to meet...


Tay :D
Hey guys !!

Taylor i already told you, your idea is dumb.

Tay :D
And i already told you that im gonna stick your phone up where the sun dont shine if you dont stop complaining.

Aw cmon, tf u gon do?

Logan :]
Can you guys clear things out alone?

Aiden (maniac)
Tbh id let them fight here its interesting if anything

Please dont.

Tay? You wanted to say something or?

Tay :D
Mhm, anyways. Yknow how we have the weekend extended after today?

Taylor stfu.

*"Halfwit" was kicked out by "Tay :D"*

Tay :D
Excuse me for my DISRESPECTFUL brother. Anyways, the theme park is opened this weekend and i just wanted to check if you guys maybe wanted to go?

Hm.. ill think about it. We can talk about this in school. I have to go get ready.

*"Halfwit" was added by "Tay :D"*

Aiden (maniac)
Awe man, it was nice without him.

After their meddling about the themepark i rushed downstairs and ate cereal and went straight up to the bathroom to get ready.
I didnt wake up earlier this morning so a ponytail will have to work for today i guess.

Ash ran down the stairs and grabbed her cup, rushing to put her shoes on


She ran outside just in time for the bus. She barely got the chance to put her shoes on so her shoelaces were all over the place. When she got on she sat on her ussual seat infront of Aiden and Ben.

"Ugh, this was a pain in the asshole."

She groaned, catching her breath and tying her shoelaces.

Aiden just snickered and looked over at what Ben was sketching.

"Goodmorning to you too."

Aiden smirked, leaning over the seat next to her.

She smiled sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

.-~ו+*° 'In the school yard..'°*+•×~-.

Tyler,Logan and Taylor were sitting at the bench. Tyler was still scolding Taylor while Logan was trying not to laugh. Soon Aiden, Ashlyn and Ben walked over.

unussually close..    (Aidlyn Oneshots That I Cant Sleep Without)Where stories live. Discover now