the night

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I cant belive im talking about this. First let me get into the story. It was our last 3 weeks of highschool. Everyone is already talking about collage and universities ect. But the other theme was also prom (homecoming? Idek im not american 😭) and who is going with who. I didnt want to go but the group really did so i agreed. I thought that id be going with them as a group but... Aiden asked to go with him and... i agreed. Its now two days before prom and i already have a dress and everything planned but the thing is i had a few pimples JUST appear before an event and i think im close to getting my period for this month so cramps might aswell END ME. Also my mom is sketchy with me going with Aiden as friends, shes not sketchy like in a baf way but in like the 'theyre so cute together' way.
Now nothing looks like the way it did a week ago. I have this HUGE pimple on my cheek and the dress just sits differently, it looks beautiful, dont get me wrong but it just doesnt sit like it did earlier! Ugh! And now ill feel bad if i cancel the plans just two days before! Ill have to just stack on some pimple patches and do some excersizes before. The dress is on wash now and im hoping that nothing will haplen to it and that this FUCKING PIMPLE PATCH DOES ITS THING. Ugh why is it always before important events.

Ashlyn stomped down the stairs into the living room just to see her parents confused.

"Heya Trooper, why the long face?"

Her dad messed up her hair, sitting down next to her

"Well! Im going to prom in two days and this pimple appeared and the dress doesnt sit like it did when mom and i bought it!"

She groaned, fixing her hair

"Im sure you will look amazing, sweetie"

Her mom smiled

"Besides, im sure your friends wouldent change their opinion on how you look. And not to talk about Aiden! Hes the one who asked you to go with him, he wouldnt change his mind if he really wanted to go with you specifically"

Her mom hid a small smirk

"I suppose, yeah."

Ashlyn said, flushed

"Im going to my room and try and take care of this little monster"

Ashlyn said walking back to her room and flopping on the bed

I guess i can see what their upto? We have like 30 minutes left until the shift...

Ashlyn texted them a bit before she and the others shifted there.

When everyone got to the dimension they just spent their time training self deffense and taking care of the supplies and weapons. During the last 30 minutes before the swap Aiden and Ash went to their ussual place.

"So, exited for prom?"

Ash asked with a soft smile and her gaze focused towards the moon

"Correction* exited that im gonna hang out with you. Im glad you agreed on going, Ash"

He smiled at her with a fragile gaze

She blushed a bit and laughed before rolling her eyes playfully


Aiden just laughed and smiled

"Im glad you asked me, to be honest"

Ash blushed and smiled

Aiden blushed a bit and gave her a loving smile and gaze

"If it was Tyler tho, id just laugh in his face"

She snarled


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