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New years eve eh? Great, another year being semi-stuck in that world that made loose track of reality, but oh well. I decides i wanted to celebrate this year and spend it with everyone at my place. I get it we will eventually pass out at midnight but theres nothing i can do about it. My parents have a family gathering with the older aunts, uncles, ect. So ill be home while theyre away. Everyone should be here at 8 so we can hang out and talk for 4 hours and then go to that demonic dimension we were dragged in... ill have to put on noise canceling headphones over my earplugs during the firework but atleast they can enjoy it after all of that chaos we have been through in that hell hole. I have to get everything ready so when they arrive we can give eachother presents we made. We wanted to meet up on christmas but everyone was buisy with family dinners and such so we moved it for today. The platter with food is ready and all i have to do is just-


Crap, is it already 8? Nevermind, ill just let them in and make them chill at the dining table while i set the couch up and stuff.


Ashlyn opened the door

"Hey Ash"

Aiden smiled and Ben waved

"Hey, come in"

She let them in

"You guys just take a seat over there in the dining room while i extend the couch really quickly"

"You need help?"

"No, ill do it, thanks tho"

"Tell me if you do!"

Aiden shrugged seating himself in the dining room


Ashlyn walked to the door and let Logan, Tyler and Taylor inside

"You guys have a seat while i just finish this"

Ashlyn said, placing the pillows and blankets

The christmas decorations shined in all their glory. After they were done setting everything up they moved on to the couch.

"Can we pleaseeee open the gifts now? I really wanna see everyones reactions to mine"

Taylor said inpatiently


Everyone agreed and sat down in a circle with gifts. Taylor just had a pile of hers to give to everyone.


Taylor said exitedly
Giving everyone their gifts and watching them all rip the wrapping paper off

Aiden got so happy


Aiden rubbed it against his face

"I made them!"

Taylor said,clearly satisfied with their reaction

"Tay you actually made theese?"

Ashlyn asked, amused


Ashlyn immedatly put it on

"Im glad you guys like the onesies, i made them based off of the sizes of our suits jn the phantom dimension, mine is a teddy bear and so is Tylers but with a bowtie, Logan has a frog, Ben a duck, Aiden a dog and Ash a cat"

unussually close..    (Aidlyn Oneshots That I Cant Sleep Without)Where stories live. Discover now