10: Un-Merry Christmas

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Chapter Ten

I squealed as I spotted him, "Jer! Jer! Jeremy!"

"He sees us," Stefan said. "You don't have to yell—"

"Oh, Jer!" I screamed, jumping up and down as he got closer until he opened his arms big and wide and wrapped them around me.

"Kenz!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Just a brother and sister, nothing to see here," Stefan commentated.

I squeezed Jeremy tight for a second, taking in his cologne and his comfort. I've missed my big littler bro. "You're really here," I grinned.

"Hell yeah, I am," he smirked. "Where's my nephew? Oh, hey, Stefan."

I snorted as he gave Stefan a quick hug, my husband taking the duffel off his shoulder to put in the back of the car. "He's sleeping," I told my brother, opening the back door where Maverick was sitting in his car seat.

Jeremy climbed in and then Stefan rounded to my side. "You ready to go, beautiful?" He asked me with a kind smile, raising a hand to the small baby bump that just popped but couldn't be seen under my hoodie.

"Don't do that," I mumbled, my face burning with a blush. Stefan seemed to grin harder as he rubbed my belly. "Seriously, stop it—"

"I love you," he cut me off.

I smiled, "I love you too." Just as we both leaned in to kiss, I flinched at the kick coming from inside my belly. "I think she likes you."

"Kenzie Jr?" He snorted, rubbing my belly once more before cupping my face. "She's a c-o-c-k block. I don't think so."

I laughed then, "She loves you."

"Sure," he said and then another kick. I kissed Stefan anyways this time.

"Dudes, can we go?" Jeremy asked, banging on the window.

"That's a cock block," I scoffed, glaring at Jer and hitting his window back. He rolled his eyes then. Stefan laughed as he opened my passenger door for me and helped me in.


I smiled as hands were placed over my eyes from behind, "Guess who?" He whispered huskily in my ear.

"Hmmm, Vic Fuentes?" I asked, naming one my favorite musicians. A scoff came then right before lips nibbled my ear lobe. "Ohh... Taller? Austin Carlile?" A groan came then, his lips moving down my slender neck. "Sorry, lots of hair, Jack Barakat? Listen, Jack, I have a husband and—"

I stopped when a moan of pain and pleasure slipped my lips as Stefan sucked harshly on my skin. "It took a long time for you say you had a husband, Kenzie," he scolded, hands dropping from my eyes to instead spin me around.

"What? No free pass for a rockstar?"

He narrowed his eyes, "I would kill for you."

"I know," I smirked. "I like that side of you."

He leaned in and pecked my lips, "Good. Now like the side of me that's here to take you to our birthing class."

"Ugh," I groaned. "Do we have to?"

"Yes," he replied, caressing my cheek as if to coax me into this. "We promised Ric."

"Fuck Ric. I'm carrying his baby, that's enough. Unless he agrees to name the baby Kenzie Jr."

"Carrying his baby, is a lot, I know. But this is important, Kenz."

"I'm having a c-section. Not that important actually," I quipped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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