Chapter Six

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"Jesus fuck," Mr. Ceiling mutters in disbelief, "how were you ever a dentist? Could you even speak with your patients?". Pole-guy is a dentist?

"I thought you loved my small-talk, you never complain when I'm patching you up." They continue to bicker back and forth, which appears to make Small Chair smile wider and wider. The guy who gave me his jacket, but still hasn't spoken, rolls his eyes as if this is a regular occurrence. Mr. Ceiling is beginning to talk louder, which starts spiking an ounce of fear in me again. I'm scared Weasel is going to storm back in here and either do something to me or them. I take a breath and decide to answer the question that prompted their bickering.

"Colgate." I whisper, making all four of them snap their heads towards me. Impressive hearing abilities, I must say. I didn't think Small Chair's smile could get any wider, but it appears to and the dentist sends me a dazzling smile as well. I clear my throat and cast my eyes downwards.

"I usually use Colgate if it's available." I elaborate further.

"Great choice, love." I meet his eyes when I glance back up at him. "That toothpaste is recommended by three out of four dentists worldwide, one of them being me."

"Are you still working as a dentist?" I ask him, wanting to continue our conversation.

"Well, I think it's about time we get a few introductions out of the way," He looks at the other guys who nod in agreement. "I'm Isaac, but most people know me as The Dentist, and that guy over there," He nods his head at the guy who gave me his jacket, "He's Nico, and he doesn't talk. He doesn't have a tongue." No tongue? Was he born without or did something happen?

"My name is Malcolm, It's a pleasure to make you an acquaintance." Malcolm bows his head a little, he seems formal even in this setting, which makes me lift my eyebrows at him. I look towards the last guy, Mr. Ceiling, who has closed his eyes and is leaning his head against one of his arms attached to the ceiling. I assume his position is quite painful after being in it for a while, his wound on his shoulder is not looking too good either, and it makes me worry for him. Malcolm wakes him up by calling him by a weird name.

"Hey, Scarface, introduce yourself you grump before I tell her your real name." Scarface? Like the old gangster movie? Why is he using that name if it's not his real one?

"You just did it for me, old fuck." He responds agitated. He opens his eyes and looks towards me. "Your turn." He is intimidating as hell, more scary than Weasel.

"Who the fuck is Weasel?" He scrunches his eyebrows at me. Fuck, I said that out loud.

"Oh, uh, the evil man from before. The one Small Chair called a punk ass looking bitch." Isaac snorts loudly, and I think I see a sliver of a smirk from Scarface.

"You call him Weasel? And you call Malcolm Small Chair?" Isaac was full-on laughing now and Malcolm was slowly joining him. Shit, now I'm embarrassed. I feel my cheeks heating up, and I probably look like a tomato now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know your names, so I came up with nicknames for you." I grimaced, trying to appear more apologetic.

"Please do tell the rest." Malcolm requests with a laugh.

"Uh, radiator-guy," I point timidly at Nico, then I point towards Isaac and continue: "Pole-guy," I put my finger back down and meet Malcolm's eyes, "I called you Mr. Small Chair for what I'm assuming is an obvious reason, and," I pause, glancing towards Scarface who is listening patiently, I think, I don't want to point at him and piss him off, "and last but not least, Mr. Ceiling."

"You're a funny one, aren't you love?" Isaac questions rhetorically. Malcolm and him are still chuckling. "What about Weasel, what's the story behind that?" My cheeks heat up again at the question, oh god, do I really have to explain that?

"Oh, well, you see," I stammer out, "He reminds me a bit of the small horse-looking animal from Shrek, but I don't remember the word for it in English and I don't remember his name either."

"Wait, do you mean Donkey?" Scarface questions me in disbelief. So that's his name! I was going nuts trying to remember it earlier.

"Yes! Thank you, that's the one." This time Scarface can't hold back his laugh. Now we've got three guys laughing up a storm and Nico smiling to himself.

"You're right, now I won't be able to unsee that." Scarface sighs after collecting himself, he clears his throat. "So, what's your name?"

"Lena, It's short for Magdalena, but here in America it's easier to just say Lena." I tell him carefully.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl, right Nico?" Isaac compliments me, dragging Nico into the conversation, but he just lets out a 'tsk' at his teasing. I'm back to being embarrassed again. Thank god the lighting sucks down in here.

"How old are you? You look too young to be at a hotel by yourself." I look back over at Scarface and just as I am about to answer him, the door is kicked open yet again and in saunters Weasel with a raging glint in his eyes. He storms right towards me before I can even scramble to my feet, and pulls me up by my hair, resulting in protests from Malcolm and Isaac.

"That's no way to treat a lady, now is it?" Malcolm points out deadly calm, with a smile on his face.

"What's it to you? You don't know her, isn't that what you told me?" Weasel taunts. He looks towards one of his men, I think he called him Gunner earlier, standing outside the room. "Take her, Sascha is awaiting her in the other room." I hear shackles move as if some of the guys are struggling against them, as Weasel pushes me roughly into the arms of Gunner, who grabs my arm hard and hauls me down the hallway. If my heart starts beating any harder than it is right now, I'm afraid it'll come flying out of my chest. I'm trying to stay strong, but I'll admit that this is probably one of the most intense situations I've ever been in, and I do strongly fear that I won't make it out of here. Gunner pushes open another door, and I observe that it is not the same room as the dead man was in. He pulls me in alongside him. A woman is seated on a chair surrounded by two other guys, holding a gun.

"Hello little girl, we're going to have so much fun together." The Sascha woman beckons us closer, before gesturing for Gunner to leave. Her perfectly applied lipstick and black slicked-back hair makes her look like a villain, and I'm definitely sure she is one.

"Have a seat." 

// Thanks for reading, please let me know what you think!

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