Chapter Eighteen

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Damiano "Scarface" Capone

Malcolm frees Isaac, who has now begins freeing Nico. He walks towards me to rip the chains out of the ceiling.

"How's the shoulder?" Malcolm asks me as he works on the chains. I move my shoulder around to get a feel.

"I can barely feel it." It felt like shit before pulce removed the splinters. She's fucking infuriating. She reminds me so much of my sister, always putting others first. She cleaned my shoulder, even after she was humiliated and assaulted. She stopped Weasel from putting a bullet in me, and for what? I've been nothing but a distrusting dick to her, and she's still nice. Has no one ever told her not to talk to strangers? Someone needs to have a serious conversation with the girl. I guess I'll have to be the one to do that. Malcolm finally weakens the chain enough to break it and my arms are free. They're sore from being held in that position for so long.

"Thanks." I clap Malcolm on the shoulder and I begin to gather the chain from the floor. Chains are useful as weapons. It'll hurt like a motherfucker to be hit with these, and I can't wait to put them to good use.

"Ready?" Malcolm asks us, smiling widely. I send him a smirk. I thought he'd never ask. Isaac looks almost giddy now, time to cash in his birthday gift. As we get ready to kick the door down, the sound of heavy footsteps and gun-shots ring out, followed by even more frantic shouting. A kick to the door from the outside makes us get ready for whatever intruder we are about to face. Another strong kick to the door and it flies off the hinges, landing heavily on the floor. Smoke seeps into the room from the hallway, and I'm itching to swing the chain.

"Boss, you in here?" I recognize the voice, my guys are here.

"Yes, Wayne." Wayne is my man in charge of assembling combat teams for different assignments. He emerges from the smoke along with some guys from his team, dressed in heavy armory.

"Room clear. Siege the rest." He orders into the hallway. He really brought the cavalry this time.

"Good to see you, Wayne. It took you long enough." We shake hands.

"Well, you were a bit further away than we anticipated you would be." I lift my brows in curiosity. He shakes the hands of the other guys as well. Malcolm appreciates it the most, he sees this as the outmost sign of respect, acknowledgement.

"Where are we?" I ask him. He smirks at me, or I think he does, his nose and mouth are covered in a black mask.

"You're in good ol' Canada." He chuckles. "We don't have any vehicles stationed here, so we had to drive most of the way since they don't fit on the planes."

"Good job, Wayne." I give his back a firm pad. Not having anything, neither weapons, vehicles or people pre-stationed in a location, is a bit of a bitch when it comes to logistics. Wayne calls for someone in the hallway and two of his guys enter with hands full of bulletproof vests and firearms. I turn to Isaac, Nico and Malcolm, who are all wearing smirks.

"Suit up." I tell them, and they do. This is probably the only time I can pretend to order them to do something, and they actually oblige, stubborn fucks. Nico nudges Isaac.

"Yeah, let's go get Lena." Isaac agrees. Wayne eyes me curiously.

"Who's Lena? – someone we need to prioritize?" Wayne is waiting for my confirmation. Malcolm steps up next to me and quirks a brow, awaiting my answer.

"She's a girl-"

"Young woman." Isaac interrupts me. I roll my eyes at him and shoot him a glare. He just smirks back.

"She's a young woman who accidentally got taken with us, and she's coming with us." I continue. Wayne is watching me intently. "She's probably scared shitless, if your guys find her before we do, try not to approach her so aggressively." He nods at me in confirmation.

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