Chapter Twenty-one

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The heat surrounding my bruised body makes me feel like I'm wrapped in a warm and safe hug. Holding on to that thought, it appears that someone might actually be holding me. Considering the fact that it feels like I'm sitting on a bear, I'm guessing Malcolm is my seat. Coming to my senses, I finally remember what went down before I fell asleep again. They must have given me some more pain medication. I began to feel sleepy after the pain in my ribs subsided a bit. The embarrassment slowly begins to creep in. I try to keep my squirming to a minimum, to not alert anyone of me being awake. The inability to keep it together is not how I usually am. I've kept it together for all twenty-three years of my life, and now, all of that has suddenly gone out the window along with my dignity. It just keeps getting worse, and we've finally gotten out of that hole. I need to be stronger.

I feel Malcolm squeeze my arm, making my thoughts come to a halt.

"I know you're awake." He begins with a whisper, the feeling of his deep voice rumbling in his chest against my other arm gives me the chills. "You're squeezing your eyes shut too tightly. You'll end up giving yourself a headache." I immediately relax my face, drawing out a chuckle from Malcolm.

"Too late." I whisper back to him, already feeling the headache pounding behind my eyes.

"Let's get some sugar in you." I open my eyes to find him already looking at me. I quickly look away from him, as he helps me move to the bench between himself and Scarface. My legs were resting on Scarface's lap. I don't remember putting my legs there. And should I be calling him that or Damiano? I'm not sure yet. I swear I could have just taken a seat at the end of the bench, but here I am, yet again, sandwiched between these two. Scarface passes me a coke.

"Drink." He orders me. My hand is shaking as I grab the bottle in my hand. I struggle to bring it to my mouth because of the shaking. Feeling countless sets of eyes on me doesn't help the situation either. A hand wraps around mine, helping me to drink. As much as I've avoided any more eye contact with anyone else, I can't help glancing at Scarface as he helps me. His facial expression remains neutral, not giving away what he is thinking.

"Thank you." I mutter, still not meeting his eyes. Deciding to woman up, I think now may be a great time to apologize for my embarrassing meltdown. Again. "Look," I sigh, "I'm s-".

"Don't you dare." Isaac interrupts me, making my eyes snap to his. He remains silent for several moments before continuing: "You've seen some shit you're probably not used to. You have been subjected to some things that should never have happened," I close my eyes in an attempt to keep the memories at bay. I'm not ready to talk about it yet, and he seems to know that since he doesn't press the subject further. I honestly wouldn't even know where to start. How many girls have they done this to? I feel my mind spiraling once again, unable to help myself. A hand coming from my right side, Malcolm's hand, squeezes my knee, bringing me back from my thoughts. "Yet you were crying for someone else's unfortunate ending." Isaac leans forward to catch my eyes. "So don't you dare apologize, my love, capiche?" He claps his hands dramatically. He continues to look at me until I give him a nod. He's intense. "Good girl." I lean back against the side of the truck, finally looking around at each person in here with me. Roman and Axel are chatting away in the corner along with Riggs and Hunter. Wayne is tapping away on a computer doing god knows what, while talking to Scarface, who is still sitting next to me. Malcolm is listening intently to their conversation but not interfering. I take a deep breath, forgetting my injured ribs for a moment making me grit my teeth. This alerts Nico, who's eyes haven't left me for a second since I awoke. He nudges Isaac, who immediately looks at me as well.

"Are you okay, doll?" Isaac asks, studying my hand clutching my ribs again. "Do you need more pain medication for the ribs?" Malcolm squeezes my knee again, the reason unclear. I seem to have gathered everyone's attention again.

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