Chapter Twenty-three

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I wake up on a leather couch with a blanket draped over me. Scarface showed me to his office, so I could lie down and rest. I wonder how long I've been asleep for, as I observe a glass of water along with two pills placed on the coffee table before me. Great timing, my ribs and thigh are starting to hurt badly again. I quickly down the pills and get ready to go explore, as I don't know where anyone or anything is. Getting up from the couch, I test out the soreness of my thigh before deciding to continue my journey. My thigh needs to be checked today, and the bandage needs a change, so I might as well see if I can find Roman or Axel. I just need the supplies. I know how to do it on my own.

Entering the hallway, I walk to the right, deciding to just start at one end. My walk entails many breaks as I find it hard to breathe if I walk too far at once. Reaching a double-door, I grab the handles and enter what appears to be a control room. There are quite a few workers operating computers and there are huge windows facing the landing strip. As I stand here gaping at the room, someone finally spots me. A heavily tattooed man with piercings and curly, red hair removes his headset, gathering the attention of a few of the others. I probably should have gone to the left.

"Are you lost?" He asks me, quirking a brow at me as he looks me over from top to toe. A woman seated at the computer next to him, elbows him sharply in the side. "Ouch, what the fuck, Alice?"

"It's the girl from the video, you moron." She exclaims exasperated. She's a darker-skinned woman, Indian by the looks of it. Her long, thick, black hair falls effortlessly over her shoulders and curls slightly at the bottom. What a beautiful woman.

"What video?" I ask, causing the attention to snap back to me. I'm internally hoping it's not the failed fight-club recording. The woman I presume to be Alice, looks at me hesitantly. Yeah, that's all I needed to know. I nod to myself as I slowly turn back towards the door.

"No, wait!" I halt my pathetic movements as Alice stops me. "I'm sorry, that was so rude of me." She looks slightly embarrassed as she apologizes. "This is Ford and I'm Alice!" She approaches me and holds out her hand for me to shake. I give her a tightlipped smile but shake her hand nonetheless.

"His name is Ford? Like the car?" I ask confused. I've never heard that as a human name before. She smiles at me, humor in her eyes.

"Yeah, weird right?" She agrees with a laugh. Ford is rolling his eyes in the background. Some of the other people here are still watching us as others have gotten back to whatever they were doing. "You look like you're about to collapse, let me get you a chair." She quickly grabs a chair and rolls it over to me and I accept graciously.

"Thank you." I say as I sink into the chair relieved. "I was looking for the med bay, or at least hoping to run into either Axel or Roman."

"Yeah, this is a big place." She sympathizes with me. "Ford, can you call the med bay and have them send someone to help her?" He nods at her request, his eyes lingering on me curiously. "Here you go." She passes me a glass of water and I smile in return. "I can't believe you're here. I've been wanting to meet you since we heard how you saved Scarface a few times." I choke on my water and cough my lungs out as she gushes over me.

"Jesus, Alice. Give the girl some space." Ford interferes as he suddenly gently pads me on the back. What is it with these people? Before the conversation can continue, the door is thrown open rather roughly. Björn saunters in, looking rather annoyed and inconvenienced.

"Where's the chick?" He asks. I don't understand why he's so stand-off-ish towards me.

"Why did they send him?" Alice whispers to Ford, looking slightly frightened at Björns presence. Ford turns to me.

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