I knew it. (Touka xfem!reader.)

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This story was suggested by @cheesy_puffed_cake . To make it clear, your are a ghoul... but you don't want anyone to know... Confusing, yes. For this story i'm not using the headcanon that ghouls know who other ghouls are... You'll see why..
'Ever on and on I continue with nothing, but my hate in a carousel of agony. To tell me who I was. uncertainty devolving my mind till I can't break free.'

You walked along the hallways of the collage you were going to be in. You had already been accepted into the school do the next term, which started in the next week. You wanted to be back in school surprising enough. The only reason you did want to go back is so you could start a new life, where no one knew your dirty little secret.

When you were done looking at your new school you began to head home. With only one more corner to turn, you felt a tug a your shoulder. You spun around to meet eyes with red pupils surrounded by black.

A ghoul.

You gasped and started to scream, but soon enough the hand of the ghoul was covering your mouth. "Don't scream and it will be easier for both of use."

'It's all going to end here. Rip (y/n) died from a ghoul attack.' You thought closing your eyes shut.

You could have fought back, but it was better to die than to not blow your cover. Your were going to be another one killed by a ghoul

Pain was the only thing you felt. You opened your eyes and looked down where the pain was coming from. The man stabbed you and you were bleeding pretty bad. His hands rushed up to your neck and was about to slice your neck with the same thing he stabbed you with. You were about to fight back and blow your cover , but you couldn't beat such a strong ghoul.

You closed your eye awaiting your fate.

Instead of your throat being slit, you were dropped onto the ground. Instead of hearing your screams echo in the dark alley way. You heard the scream of the male who attacked you earlier.

Blood splattered along the brick walls. The body of the man was then dropped in front of you. You looked up to see a female ghoul with blue hair. She was burning holes in your flesh with the way she stared back at you. "Please don't hurt me." You whispered before falling into darkness.

Time skip~~

your POV. (first person)

When I awoke I was laying down on a bed. I tried to get up, but there was a pain in my stomach. I blinked a few times till I remember what happened. A ghoul attack.

"Don't stress yourself too much. We don't want you wound to reopen." A females voice sounded.

"Who are you, may I ask." I managed to croak out.

"I am Tokua Kirishima. And you would be."

"(Y/Fn) ( Y/Ln) ."

"So, you're the new student."

"Yes," I thought about saying something else, but didn't quite know what to say. Or how to say it.

"You know what happened last night, correct." She asked curiosity swimming in her tone.

"If I remember correctly, I was attacked by a ghoul. And they were about to kill me, but you came in to save me." I replied my eyes shifting to the left (or right. Depends on what your dominate hand is) trying to remember anything more.

"Is that all." She asked.

"Uhh... Aren't you a ghoul also." I narrowed my eyes.

"Damn. That's a shame. I was starting to take a liking to you." Touka sighed.

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