Cancer (Juuzou x infected! reader)

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CT: I am recording this while talking to [ ] , a little bit of it, inspired by song below. Fuck. It's gonna be angst.  Since March 22 just past I'm gonna have MCR stuff everywhere.


  Oh, my agony,

Know that I will never marry,

Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo

But counting down the days to go

It just ain't living 


It was time, you had to break up with your boyfriend, Juuzou. You had called him out for a 'date', to tell him the sad news. That you had cancer.

You meant him at your favorite cafe, Re:

You walked in the small café as his filled the room. "Ne~, over here, (Y/n)~" You walked silently over preparing what you had to say to him.

You greeted him with a sad smile "Ah, hello Juuzou."

"What's wrong, (N/n)?" (Nick name) Juuzou questioned.

"Ahh, nothing."

He leaned he face closer to yours. You could feel his breath on your cheeks as he stared in to your eyes. "Are you sure."

"I'm," You took a pause. "Okay, I promise"

"If you say so. " he responded leaning back in his chair with a slight pout. You send the rest of the day with Juuzo. You had ended the day with him waking you home.

"Oh, I won't be home for awhile, (Y/N). Some cool ghoul stuff is going on!" He cheered before you entered your house.

"Oh," you looked down.

"Don't worry, (Y/N) I won't be gone for that long."

"Well, see ya." You smiled before entering you house. You looked at the calendar, March 21, tomorrow you would be checked into the hospital to start chemo.

And you forgot to tell Juuzo.

God dam it.
~Couple of months later~

It didn't work. The chemo that they put in you made everything worse. It made the cancer spread even faster. Tumors started to grow in your brain, and you started to fall in out of comas. And finally your time was up. Your living will said that if chemo would go wrong, and if the worse would happen. You wanted the plug to be pulled.

Today was the day

And Juuzo never knew you were dealing with this. You forgot to tell him.

Your family gathered around you as you said your goodbyes. You could barely breathe on your own. You were smaller than a stick and your skin was so pale it was almost translucent. 

You were taken off of life support, as your family finished their goodbyes.

"(Y/N)! You heard a familiar voice call."Whats happening to you. I haven't heard from you." He ran in and gave you a bone crushing hug.

"Juuzo." You managed to squeak out. Your vision started to cloud with black spots and tears started to form in your eyes.

"(Y/N), Whats happening? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He started to fire off questions.

"Juuzo, I have to leave you."

"what do you mean?"

"I have c-" You took a moment to cough as your lungs started to give out. You where barely balancing on the edge of death. "Cancer"

You felt the room spin as you breath came out raspy. You started to break out in a coughing fit. Not able to keep the air in your lungs. "Juuzo, I don't." the room faded as the line started to go flat.

"I don't love you, like I loved you, yesterday." You said before the room faded to black.


(Y/N) (L/N) 

died from cancer 

b/d- March 22 2017

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