Were all mad here... Jelous! Ayato x reader

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'This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race.

I'm not a shoulder to cry on but I digress
I'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh-so intricate, oh-so intricate'

"Ugh." You sighed unlocking your front door.

"Where were you. You little slut!" The blue haired male growled.

"I was out shopping with Touka." You lied walking into your apartment and slamming the door.

"No." He growled "I know your with the kaneki kid."

Fear shot into to your eyes like a gun having its trigger pulled. You froze. He didn't like you being with other guys. Hell, he hated Kaneki. Every time you would come home you would get abused. The thing is you two weren't even dating. But you knew he was trying to protect you. Even it was resorting to violence. It all started that day.

-flash back-

You were lying on the ground staring up at the sun. Your arms and legs burned like hell. Your ankles hurt from running ten miles from your home. You felt light head for opening your wounds bigger. You just came from hell and back. Your (h/c) (h/l) was knotted and full of grass and other things.

There you were. Hardly no clothing at all alone a white dress stained with red. You stared up at the sky. Ready for your soul to leave you. You weren't even going to try to stop the bleeding. It was to much to handle. A tear fell out of your eyes. You shut your eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

You awoke being surrounded by white walls and chains around your arms and legs. You felt... Numb... Different...

You let a small laugh escape your lips. Laid on top of your face was a huge grin stretching from ear to ear. Then only to be replaced by a frown. Remembering what happened. You held back the urge for tears.

"Don't cry." A males voice sounded. "There's nothing to be afraid of anymore.

"W-who are y-you?" You chocked put.

"I'm Ayato." His voice cheered. "And you are?"

"(Y/fn) (Y/Ln)." You muttered.

"So what happened at home?"

-end of flash back-

He wrapped you into a hug and hummed softly. You were surprised and taken back by his act. But you hugged him back. "I'm sorry." You started to cry into his shoulder.

"You should be." He growled pushing you out of the hug. "It's all you fucking fault you were out with this Kankei fucker."

"Eh?" You were shocked. It was just like before. You let a tear slip out of your eyes as his fist came toward you. You winced at pain rushed through you face. You fell to the ground and started to cry.

"You want to know why I do this?"


"It's because I fucking love you."

The next thing you knew was his lips you pressed against your and his arm was wrapped around your waist.

You sighed "I love you too."

CT: I was requested this for ever ago. I didn't really wanna do it. But I did. He's so ooc it hurts.

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