7. Disturbance Of The Force

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Master Tiplee is at a bar in the undergrounds of Coruscant; on level 13-13. She is at the table where she greets the droid bartender and pays for a drink. She is deeply depressed over the loss of her sister, but only hopes that another friend of hers; Adi Gallia is okay. Every time she finishes a shot, she asks for another. It has been only 48 hours, and nothing has come up. Another presence joins her at the bar.

Anakin: Tiplee, you didn't start without me, did you?

Anakin Skywalker has followed her to the bar and sits next to her.

Tiplee: Sorry. I just, couldn't wait. Is Adi okay?

Anakin: She has to be. Master Windu has sent her a transmission. I hope she got it.

Tiplee asks for another shot, which is being poured into her glass.

Tiplee: I know the one who killed my sister.

Anakin looks at her, confused.

Anakin: You do? I mean, the hologram explained everything.

Tiplee: It's everything behind one simple hologram that gives us answers, Anakin. The Separatists have something to do with it. I sensed it.

Anakin is doubtful.

Anakin: It's also the dark side of the Force. Master Yoda once said it clouds everything. Have you reported your doubts to the Council?

Tiplee: No. They're right now to focused on Adi. They haven't heard from her in days.

Anakin growls in desperation.

Anakin: They won't even let me and Obi-Wan go after Adi. I've known her in the Jedi Order most of my life.

Tiplee: So have we, Master Skywalker. It's up to the Council who would let anyone besides me or you go after her.

She closes her eyes, then sees it. Adi Gallia, dead; like her sister. The pilot, Omega, is also gone. Clones remain. Tiplee's eyes snap open, followed by gasping in unexpected turn of events.

Anakin: Master, what's wrong?

Tiplee: Anakin, we have to return to the Jedi temple. Now! It's Adi!

Anakin: You sensed her?

Tiplee: Not that I wanted to sense the worst conclusion possible...

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