39. Victory Is Inevitable

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The battle of Oner continues to rage, followed by the 212th Battalion beginning their attack on the droid barracks hoping for a victorious outcome.

Obi-Wan: This doesn't make any sense. Why would the Separatists amass such a large army on an empty planet?

Anakin: Maybe they ran out of planets to run droids on, Master.

Then, he looks to his left.

Anakin: Obi-Wan?

Obi-Wan follows his apprentice's gaze to see...Master Tiplee! Jumping in the air with her lightsaber ignited and slicing one droid in half. Her face bathes in the blue glow. She has anger and hate inside her, but she doesn't use fear.

Obi-Wan: Looks like Master Windu and Fisto caught up with her.

Tiplee flips in the air to dodge red bolts. Those two droids realize too late that they fire at and kill each other in an instant. After a brief scuffle with more droids in her path, she catches up with Obi-Wan and Anakin.

Anakin: Master Tiplee, are you all right?

Tiplee: Nice to see you again. Where is this warrior; Sagev?

Obi-Wan: We tried to fight him earlier, but he got the best of us.

Tiplee: I knew it. He is a very powerful warrior. No one can kill him. And no one can underestimate Count Dooku.

Obi-Wan: I hope he has something better in store for us.

Tiplee looks to her left, seeing the clones and droids firing at one another at the droid barracks.

Droid Commander OOM-12: Primary units, defend the barracks.

Count Dooku appears from behind the bushes, with two magna droids on each side of him.

Count Dooku: Status report.

Droid Commander OOM-12: The clones are concentrated around the barracks, sir. Our secondary units are now in place to begin a second assault behind those Republic dogs. Victory is inevitable.

Battle Droid: Sir, I just came from the base! The Jedi, Tiplee, has escaped.

Count Dooku: Patience. She matters to us no more. Now, we terminate her and the rest of the Jedi. Keep the clones focused on the barracks.

And so, the battle continues its rage within the planet. Some clones and droids die in action of the fight. Along with Anakin and Obi-Wan, Tiplee also presses forward. She knows that the Separatists no longer take prisoners. Tiplee looks to her left for at least the second or one hundredth time. Sagev is near. She looks over to her fellow Jedi and sneaks away. She runs out, away from her fellow Jedi and clones. She ducks at the last second behind tall grass. Sagev looks back in her direction but sees nothing. As soon as he turns back around, Tiplee seizes her chance. She grabs her lightsaber with the Force, and it spins towards the warrior. Surprisingly enough, without Sagev realizing, the lightsaber hits. Tiplee isn't at all surprised that Sagev's head is separated from his entire body. The head falls to the ground, followed by the body falling straight to the floor. Sagev is dead. Tiplee finally stands, revealing herself. Another lightsaber ignites; this time, it's Count Dooku.

Count Dooku: Foolish child!

Tiplee's face hardens.

Tiplee: He deserved to die. He killed my sister, slaughtered my home village, including my parents, and because of him, Utapau is in your hands! You will not take it from me!

She charges, and Count Dooku parries her strike. The lightsaber battle begins. Tiplee flips over the count, kicking the back of his knee. He stumbles, but stays on his feet. Anakin joins to help her, engaging Dooku for the one thousandth time. Tiplee looks over her shoulder. She sees Obi-Wan and Mace Windu engaging General Grievous.

Mace Windu: This has gone far enough, General!

General Grievous: Perhaps you recognize this lightsaber.

He holds up a lightsaber that Obi-Wan and Windu immediately recognize through the Force.

Mace Windu: Adi.

General Grievous: I enjoyed watching Master Gallia die. She was a screamer.

Windu grunts in anger, his purple lightsaber striking against Grievous's. No, Adi's lightsaber. The cyborg general laughs, as he parries strike after strike. Finally, Windu pushes him away with the Force, but Grievous immediately gets back up.

Obi-Wan: Your droids are overwhelmed, General. It's over. Surrender.

General Grievous: Never!

He charges at Obi-Wan, his foot around the Jedi master's throat. He throws Obi-Wan at Windu, and both Jedi hit the ground hard. It takes a minute for them to recover, but they find nothing. General Grievous is gone.

Tiplee and Anakin continue their fight with Count Dooku.

Anakin: It's two against one, Dooku. It'll be easier if you surrender.

Count Dooku: I don't break that easy, boy!

Tiplee strikes from behind, kicking a foot under his own feet. The old man hits the ground, and his lightsaber goes flying. Then, thud! Thud!

Tiplee: What's that noise?

She looks over and horror hits her face. The rancor of this planet roars massively on the plains of Oner. The rancor stomps on droids, that fire at him. The clones take cover behind tall grass, as the rancor continues its rampage.

Count Dooku: It was you, Jedi.

He reaches out into the Force, retrieving his lightsaber. His arm is extended, followed by Force lightning leaping from his hand. Tiplee uses the tip of her lightsaber to block the lightning.

Tiplee: Surprised that you knew our plans here.

Count Dooku: Only yours, child. My occupation on this planet ends here.

He pushes Tiplee away with the Force. She flips over, but lands on her feet. She watches, as Dooku's attention is to Anakin. Dooku kicks Anakin square in the face with his boot, causing the Jedi general to fall backwards and his neck snaps. For an instant, Tiplee thinks that Anakin's neck is broken. Then, out of nowhere, Count Dooku disappears. A gunship arrives, with Kit Fisto and several clones on board. They fire at the remaining droids; including OOM-12.

Anakin: The barracks is ours! Go!

Tiplee, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu follow close behind, followed by their fellow clones. Tiplee has two lightsabers at her waist now; her own lightsaber and Tiplar's green lightsaber. She has taken it from Sagev's dead body. Finally, the death of her twin sister and the slaughter of her home village, including her parents on Utapau, have been avenged.

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