35. The Siege Of Oner: Act II

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Jedi Master Mace Windu and Kit Fisto are the first to arrive on Oner. Accompanied by Commander Gree and the Elite Corps, they prepare for the upcoming battle and Master Tiplee's rescue.

Commander Oddball: We are landing now, General.

He sets the ship down near a flattened area, and the Jedi and clones step off.

Mace Windu: We don't want any unexpected visitors or surprises, Commander. There is always danger ahead.

Kit Fisto: Don't let your eyes deceive you, men. Even in the ugliest places, beauty can still be found.

Mace Windu: Be sure to stay in contact, before we do our duty. Shade shall meet us as soon as possible.

Commander Gree: It'll be dark soon. We have to move, quickly.

He and his men move into the green fields, after several steps into the forest. After a few miles, they duck down after they see total of 8 droids ahead.

Commander Gree: We've arrived sooner than expected. Those turrets will keep our ships grounded...for now. Remember, we're here to scout the enemy's location and rescue Master Tiplee.

Some time later, night falls, and worry spreads across those who remain with the ship; Kimcharise. Commander Gree returns.

Commander Gree: With OOM-12 directing the droids, I suggest a new strategy. We should concentrate on the barracks first. Once their defenses are weakened, we shouldn't have a problem entering the base.

Mace Windu: And hopefully find Tiplee inside. Good work, Commander. I'll go with that plan.

Shade appears, startling him and Commander Gree.

Mace Windu: Shade, we came as soon as we could. What is their attack plan?

Shade: The Separatists know that we're here. Therefore, the armies have spread out.

Mace Windu: Nice work. Do you know if Master Tiplee is still alive?

Shade: The last time I saw her, sneaking around, she should be located on the base balcony.

Mace Windu: Thanks, Shade. Good work.

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