30. Report Of The Coordinates

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As the war rages through the Oner system, members of the Jedi council discuss the ongoing events. Mace Windu enters the chamber, concern warring on his face.

Mace Windu: I've just received conformation from Shade. Count Dooku and General Grievous are in the Oner system.

Obi-Wan: The Oner system? Oh, no. If they're there, then Master Tiplee is too.

Mace Windu: You're right. Master Tiplee has been captured by the Separatists and now, she is in the custody of Count Dooku. No doubt, Dooku had the knowledge of Tiplee's location. He has kept her alive for some information we might not know.

Master Yoda: But know of the information, Tiplee does. But know, we must.

Mace Windu: Dooku wants us to try and rescue Tiplee. I will lead the attack myself. I will contact Shade if I really have to.

Obi-Wan: Anakin and I are ready to leave immediately.

Kit Fisto: Count me in. It will take some time to organize a battalion, but we should have a small squad ready to depart immediately.

Mace Windu: Then it's settled. May the Force be with us.

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