37. The Battle Of Oner

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Now, the battle continues against the CIS Droid army, while advancing towards the Barracks. Droids and clones are everywhere. Red and blue bolts scream through the air, followed by the Jedi's help, by slicing and batting back bolts at droids that stand in their way. The base is heavily defended, but they have all reached the droid barracks. Commander Cody enters a dense forest looking for traces of their 'target'.

Commander Cody: Footprints, they're fresh. Shouldn't be too difficult to find you now. Where are you? I know you're around here.

Something zips past him and he almost pulls the trigger to his blaster. He sighs.

Commander Cody: Oh, Master Tiplee, where are you?

He runs back into the open, and that's when he sees it. A rancor stomping heavily through the plains of Oner. Droids scream in fear, about to run for their lives, but are devoured by the rancor. Sagev is back on the battlefield where the droids continue the battle.

Sagev: Don't waste your bolts. I'll finish those clones myself.

He then flinches at the sound of a voice that belongs to; Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan: Identify yourself, warrior! This battle does not concern you!

Anakin: Where is Master Tiplee?!

Sagev: Your Jedi friend? Oh. She remains on the base with Count Dooku.

Sagev runs and Anakin follows.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, no!

Anakin doesn't listen and he fights the warrior face to face. Two magna droids join Sagev in the heated fight.

Anakin: What's the matter? Can't fight me on your own?

Sagev: Why do a job that a simple droid can do?

Anakin slices the magna droid in half, followed by Obi-Wan cutting the other magna droid's head with the tip of his lightsaber. Now, Obi-Wan engages Sagev.

Obi-Wan: Surrender, warrior. And your life will be spared.

Sagev: Never. Perhaps the Jedi are not as powerful as Count Dooku himself.

Anakin screams with anger and effort, pushing Sagev away with the Force. Sagev immediately gets back up, running the other way. He is replaced with droid destroyas, which Anakin and Obi-Wan bat back the bolts at.

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