Leaving the Camp

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Lionblaze gracefully walked outside camp; in search of the finest McDonalds to buy for Cinderheart.

Light filtered through the trees above and hit the golden tom, highlighting his defined muscles as he padded across the forest floor.

Lionblaze tripped and fell rolling down a cliff when he hit a rock, when he looked up and saw the worst thing he could ever have imagined.

Lionblaze gasped. Heathertail had dumped him for a hotter Windclan cat.

Lionblaze saw Heathertail and Breezepelt smooch. 'Why him though?' He thought as he cringed.

Heathertail straightens up. "Wow... that was a vibe," she whispered quietly, clearly both shocked and entranced.

Lionblaze throws Breezepelt.

"Hey Heathertail," Lionblaze said as he crossed the Windclan border casually, "wanna get back together?"

"No way!" Heathertail shouted back as she turned up the Taylor Swift song on the radio, "Your evil edgy half brother is much more interesting."

Lionblaze yeeted Heathertail off a cliff.

Lionblaze wanted to go to the forest, "Imma take a walk and see Cinderheart." Said Lionblaze as he stepped into the forest, but before that he saw Crowfeather.

"I'm so proud of you Lionblaze." said Crowfeather, slowly turning his head to stare at Breezepelt.

Lionblaze gasped, thinking 'How could this possibly get any worse?!?'

Lionblaze flicked his tail dramatically. "Goodbye peasant!" He meowed at Crowfeather and strutted away.

- Later -

Lionblaze padded into camp, with the delicious, amazing smelling, McDonalds kitty catty Happy Meal!

He sauntered over to Cinderheart. "You were the best backup plan I've ever had."

"Lionblaze how could you?" Cinderheart gasped. "You went to McDonalds without me?"

"This isn't what it looks like!" Lionblaze gasped.

Cinderheart turned to Lionblaze, yelling "I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!"

"You can't break up with me because I'm buff." Lionblaze hissed to Cinderheart, pushing her. "By the way, wanna have kits?"

"Don't be stupid, Lionblaze!" Jayfeather shouted, but Lionblaze was too busy poking Cinderheart.

"Stop interrupting our roleplay!" Lionblaze spat at Jayfeather.

Lionblaze lunged at a fox that had ran into camp, killing it immediately.

"You're my hero Lion-Chan!" Cinderheart shouted, leaping into Lionblaze's beautiful golden fur.

Lionblaze looked Cinderheart in the eyes as they sat under the light of the full moon. "Cinderheart..." he mewed, leaning closer, about to tell her his most important secret.

Lionblaze's eyes widened. "I forgot to brush my teeth this morning!" He gasped, as Jayfeather rolled his eyes.

To be continued...

A Lionblaze Story (WCs Spoof)Where stories live. Discover now