The Tree

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He took a step to the side and started walking to a random tree.

Lionblaze licked the tree.

'Weird...' Lionblaze thought. 'Never thought it would taste like THAT.'

Lionblaze strode into camp, holding a tree in his jaws.

Hollyleaf hissed. "How did you out pizza the hut?" She questioned, but Lionblaze ignored her, for the tree was too tasty.

Lionblaze walked out of his house. "Yeah. Don't worry, I ate the tree." He says to Hollyleaf casually.

Lionblaze puffed out his chest heroically, failing to notice the disappointed head shakes from Dovewing and Jayfeather.

Lionblaze cast a knowing glance at Dovewing. "I know it's hard being so special but we have to accept that we can never be normal." *Sighs dramatically*.

Dovewing looked up at him with her rainbow eyes. "That is so inspiring."

"I can't believe my apprentice has powers." Muttered Lionblaze. "How plot convenient. Yes, maybe one day you'll be strong like me... I doubt it though, small child."

Lionblaze shrugged dismissively as he instead stared at Cinderheart longingly.

"Lionblaze, here are your beautiful background children." Cinderheart mewed to Lionblaze.

Lionblaze gasped in shock as he realized he had gone through actual character development. He never would have guessed this day would come.

Lionblaze shed a single tear.

Hollyleaf slapped Lionblaze across his face. "What is wrong with you?" She said while Lionblaze frowned pathetically.

"Unfortunately," Lionblaze said to Hollyleaf, "the sky is purple now."

Lionblaze smiled at Cinderheart. "Wanna go on a date to Pizza Hut?"

Lionblaze leaped off the tree, spread his cape, pointed a paw in front of him, and flew towards the sunset with Cinderheart.

The end.

Thank you for reading :DD

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