The Forest

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Lionblaze walks through the forest, sits down. "Huh?" He mumbles sitting on a living cat, suffocating it.

Lionblaze stared at the body beneath his paw. "How'd that happen?" He said.

"Dang, I did it again." Lionblaze shrugs and walks away.

At the corner of all the action, Hollyleaf had a whiteboard of all the times Lionblaze broke the code, and she added a mark.

"How could you do that?!" Hollyleaf yelled at Lionblaze. She was furious.

Lionblaze flexed his muscles with a smug expression. "The law does not apply to me, I'm buff."

Lionblaze was taking a nice stroll in the forest, killing every stick and leaf he stepped on. "Oops." He mumbled as he stepped on a living cat (again), effectively killing it.

"Mooom, I did it again..." Lionblaze whined.

"Maybe try not being nearly as aggressive? You seem to radiate a threatening aura everywhere you go." Leafpool suggested.

He turned around and glared into Leafpools eyes.

Lionblaze shook his head, pacing back and forth in anger. How could she do this? Didn't she understand he just wanted the best for the clans?

Lionblaze smacks Leafpool in the face.

He then realized that he had to do something with his life and strode out into the forest. "It's time to out pizza the hut."

To be continueddd

A Lionblaze Story (WCs Spoof)Where stories live. Discover now