❤️I forgive YOU and I LIKE YOU❤️

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Jason took me to the beach. I always loved the beach it made me relax and forget about everything that was wrong with my life. Jason took my had and we walk to where there were enormous bolder there. The ocean looked so peaceful. I wish I could be like the ocean and just go with the flow. We sat down and started to watch the ocean. I noticed that Jason kept staring at me and I felt nervous a good nervous it was so weird I never had felt that way about someone. It was a bit cold and I started to shivering Jason notice and pulled me close to him and gave me his jacket. I rested my head on his chest. It felt so right to be with him and that's when it hit me I like Jason. I was surprised but I didn't care I wanted Jason so fucking much. After a few minutes of staying like that Jay spoke. "I have to tell you something" he told me. "And what is that Jay" I asked him. "Well you know that we are in a gang well I did something really horrible and I don't think you won't be able to forgive me" he told me. "Um tell me" I told him. "Do you remember your grandparents they said they were killed by a gang" he asked me. "Yes I remember" I told him. "Well you know that Devils and Angel don't get along well your grandfather was part of us of the Devils gang and your grandmother to Angels gang" he told me. "What how do you know all of this" I ask him. "Well they fell in love with each other and wanted to be together but they where not allowed to date. But they broke the rules and started seeing wash other. At the end they got engage. Your grandma was all ready doing a plan to leave the gang with your uncle and I one day found out about it. I was so mad cause I didn't complete a mission that I told on them. The wanted to kill them and I help them set them up. But once I realise that this wasn't right it was to late they where gone. I always blamed myself for everything but I did try to help them at the end" he told me. I kept quiet so he was part of the reasons that my grandparents where gone. But I know it was there time it was there fate and I don't blame him. "Jason I don't blame you that was there fate and there time who knows what will happen if they where here now" I told him and he smiled Bach at me and hugged me. I hugged him back it didn't care I just want him. "Jason I got to tell you something" I told him. "What is it" he asked me. "I like you" I told him.

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