Chapter Four

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【─── Chapter Four 】

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【─── Chapter Four 】

Fearless Leader

They all decided to take turns carefully entering the old abandoned railway tunnel, but to do so they each would have to climb a rickety old ladder that was embedded into the walls.

Choosing to lead the way, Serafina opted to go first. Dean, perhaps accustomed to asserting himself, attempted to stake his claim to be the first to descend and she shot him a look. 

She raised a brow and after a moment, opted for a quick rock-paper-scissors duel as Sam watched their exchange with humorous warmth in his eyes. 

She beat him once and Dean was quick to follow up, "Best out of three," 

She nodded with narrowed calculation and held out her fist again as they went for another round. This time, Dean bested her with scissors as she had chosen paper, his grin growing apparent on his face from the momentary victory.

"One for one. Not bad, Casanova.." 

Sam sighed heavily, growing slightly impatient. 

On the third round, she stuck with rock and he foolishly chose scissors again, which she had intuitively expected him to do. Serafina imitated crushing his scissors before a triumphant grin adorned her face as she declared, "I win again," 

Dean conceded with a roll of his eyes and a whispered curse word.

She quickly recognized Dean's A-type tendencies and his subconscious desire to lead and take charge, which was like adding fire to gasoline because she was a domineering kind of woman herself.

"You're on flashlight duty first," She shoved the light into Dean's hand before shoving back some loose strands of dark hair out of the way of her eyes. 

Serafina gracefully maneuvered down the rickety ladder, the antiquated rungs echoing with each careful step. The light from above cascaded down, allowing her to see each step she took as she descended the ladder. 

As she hopped off the last rung, her boots landed with a thud, a cloud of dust exploding around them. Serafina immediately pulled her backpack off and searched around for her small flashlight, flicking it on as she raised her free arm over her face, coughing from the dust flurries as the grimy interior took shape. 

Dean's mocking tone reverberated through the tunnel as he called down, "Any monsters?"

"Not yet," She paused as she turned in a circle, "Just a whole lot of dust bunnies," Serafina retorted, her voice echoing through the tunnel with a hint of amusement. 

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