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Chapter Seven

Yoongi opened the door to the room, stepped in, and quickly closed it behind him. He turned the lock and made sure no one could get in. he wasn't even sure if it would keep anyone out of the room, but it was worth a shot. He leaned against the back of the door, resting his head. Yoongi took a few steady breaths; all of this was too much. Yoongi looked around; the room was huge, and the bed was set near the bay windows. The light blue was the exact color of the sky, and the comforter was as fluffy as a cloud; Yoongi knew that if he lay down, he wouldn't want to get back out.

The walls are a cream color, a nice compliment to the sky-blue accents around the room. Even the pictures on the walls had some sort of sky theme to them. Yoongi wondered what that was about but didn't think too much about it as he moved deeper into the room. He opened the set of doors to the left of him carefully, not too sure what to expect; the last thing he wanted was someone jumping out at him. It was a massive closet full of clothes. Yoongi took a careful step, not too sure if he was allowed in, but since no one was around, he was a little more relaxed.

Yoongi ran his hand down the first suit, he said, quickly retracting his hand; the texture was too familiar, and his chest started to tighten; it was hard to breathe as he backed out. He didn't want to be in there anymore. Yoongi rushed to the window, opened it, and let the cool breeze in. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself, but nothing was working; the world was closing in on him, and the edges of his vision were starting to turn black.


""Is he ok?""

""He is gonna need a lot of time and patience."" The deep voice cleared his throat, ""And therapy, I know someone in the human realm that works with our kind. I'll leave her information.""

Yoongi groaned as he tried to sit up; the room was too bright, so he shielded his eyes.

""Hang on,"" Jimins voice said and then the light was softer, ""Slowly,"" he added as Yoongi attempted to sit up.

""What happened?"" Yoongi asked, rubbing his face.

Jimin frowned. The doctor had shown up, but he wasn't answering the door; once they found the key, he and the doctor came in, and Yoongi was passed out face down on the floor. Heart rate was through the roof; Jimin explained that the doctor did a small exam making sure Yoongi didn't hurt himself when he fell. Yoongi nodded and looked at the other man.

""So he didn't-didn't..."" Yoongi looked down at his hands playing with the blanket, ""he didn't-didn't... do stuff?""

Jimin sat on the bed, ""No, he would never,"" he said, ""He doesn't doesn't like anyone like that,"" Jimin explained.

""Oh,"" Yoongi replied as he looked up at Jimin. He quickly looked away and pulled his knees up to his chest, not sure what to do now.

They sat in silence for a while until Yoongi laid down, scooting as far away from Jimin as he possibly could. The other fairy took the hint, saying he would be back in a few hours with something for him to eat. Yoongi didn't reply just stared out the window at the too blue sky.

Yoongi stayed in his room through dinner; Jimin dropped in to bring him a small tray. He left Yoongi alone for the rest of the night. Yoongi couldn't sleep. Everything was too perfect. The sheets were too soft, the blanket too warm, the pillow too... he didn't even know; he eventually got out of bed and walked to the window. It was weird to have this much freedom. A simple thing like opening a door or getting out of bed without someone following him.

He looked up at the sky and scoffed. Of course, it was perfect, the stars bright, the ideal shade of purple. Yoongi turned his attention to the figures passing by under his window. He rolled his eyes at their display of affection. Yoongi didn't know who it was, but he was still annoyed at the caress. As annoyed as he was, he longed for it, a touch so soft that Yoongi barely felt it; he wanted his heart to race in a good way, not from fear. Yoongi shook his head; there was no way he was going to get any of that now, not with what Master had done to him.

He continued to watch as the couple stopped, exchanging a brief kiss before heading deeper into the garden. Yoongi breathed in deeply as the scent of the roses and jasmine floated into his room; he sighed and sat in the window, watching the stars twinkle and wondering what his life was going to be like now that he was free.

Yoongi yawned. He was unaware of how long he had sat there admiring the view. He watched as the light pink morning sun started to peak over the horizon. Yoongi stood and closed the window. He yawned again and rubbed his eyes. Maybe the only way he would be able to sleep was if he was exhausted. Yoongi lay on the bed, pulling the covers up to his chin, and snuggled down. Yoongi sighed with contentment as he drifted off to sleep.

Yoongi shot up, clutching his throat as the images of the horrific nightmare faded from his mind. He tossed the covers off and rushed to the bathroom. Yoongi needed to make sure there was nothing new on his neck. He sighed in relief, seeing only a few now yellowing bruises. Yoongi turned the water on, splashing his face with cold water. He looked at himself in the mirror, and this time, he really looked at himself.

He looked awful, so skinny that his bones stuck out, dark circles under his eyes. The lack of sleep was not helping with that. Yoongi sighed, lifting his shirt and poking at the bruises that littered his body. He pulled his shirt off, tossing it to the side of the room. The shower was huge, with a massive showerhead. Yoongi opened the glass door. He furrowed his brow as he tried to figure out how to turn on the water.

Once he figured it out, he took off the rest of his clothes. Yoongi smiled as he stepped into the shower; the water was hot and perfect, and as the steam filled the room, he let himself relax for a moment. He shook his head as tears pricked at his eyes. Yoongi didn't want to cry. He was tired of crying, and it wasn't going to change what happened. He scolded himself for being so weak. He leaned back against the wall, unable to stop the tears from coming. 

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