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Yoongi pulled away when he heard high-pitched giggling coming from the right of them. He looked at Jimin, who had an amused look on his face. He looked around. They were in the middle of a wooded area, the grass up to their waists. Something was unsettling about not knowing where the sound was coming from.

"Don't stop because I'm here," the voice that sounded like bells called out, followed by another small giggle and the rustling of the grass.

Jimin smiled, "Princess," he answered back with a small laugh as he looked around.

At least Yoongi could take some comfort in knowing that Jimin knew who was stalking them in the weeds. He looked around and scooted closer to Jimin as he looked around, trying to figure out where the princess was and why she wasn't more formal, how Yoongi envisioned a princess to be.

"Blue! Where did you run off to?" a man's voice called out.

Yoongi furrowed his brow, looking at Jimin as the tall grass was shoved aside forcefully. A short sandy-haired man stood there looking around; he nodded to Yoongi and Jimin before turning just in time to catch a blue flash jumping at him. She was beautiful, Yoongi thought to himself, her skin a soft milky white, her hair where he assumed she got her name a curly mess of bright Blue; he was taken aback at her electric green eyes when she looked at the two men; when Blue smiled her teeth pearly white with a bit of a point to them.

"I heard the door open," Blue replied, "and it's been too long since Jimin came," she added, dropping her feet to the ground. Also, it's Grand Princess now," she said, letting go of the man and stepping towards them. It's nice to see you again and not under the influence of goblin magic. It's some nasty stuff. I'm Blue, and that is my husband, Gabriel," she finished holding her arms open.

"Blue is a hugger," Gabriel said with a smile, looking lovingly at his wife.

Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Blues's middle. He took in her scent, a mix of sweet flowers and an underline of something he couldn't put his finger on.

"I'm so happy Jimin found you," Blue whispered, pulling back and looking at Yoongi with a soft smile.

He cocked his head to the side, not too sure what to say to that; this was the first time he had seen her in his life. Blue told him that they would talk soon. Her grandparents were waiting, and she was hungry. Yoongi wanted to protest and ask her what the hell she was talking about, but he didn't when he felt Jimin's fingers lace with his.

"Blue helped us find you, I promise we will tell you everything, but I have important documents to pick up," Jimin whispered, giving the other man a firm nod before he moved to follow the princess and her husband.

Yoongi just nodded; he hated the fact that so many people knew him and knew what happened to him; he wasn't one hundred percent sure that Blue knew, but still, he knew him, and he didn't think he could forget someone who had hair like hers. He was lost deep in thought, trying to will some memory to the surface. The sickly sweet scent of peonies filled his nose. Yoongi gaged, pulling away from Jimin. He rushed to the side of the road, bile building in his throat, the sour taste spilling out of his mouth; he clutched his hands between his knees, trying to stop them from shaking.

"Breath, baby, I'm right here," Jimin whispered, rubbing Yoongi's back as he retched again.

He could barely hear the other two over the roaring of his heartbeat in his ears. Yoongi sobbed as he threw up again, nothing coming up as he gagged. The soft humming coming from the man next to him made the world go dark.

"Good for nothing, worthless little brat!"

"Stop your hurting my hand, Daddy, please!"

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