Episode 2: A Talking-To

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"So, from what I've been able to understand," the clone's hologram said, wearing a worried expression and running a hand over his yellow buzz cut, "you're telling me that in a span of literally a day, you found that Crosshair was where Howzer was first headed, you went to Eriadu, lost a man of your squad, came back injured, and  lost Omega to Hemlock?"

"That's all", Echo told Rex. "I thought you'd be of some help, but I guess I'm troubling you-"

"No, of course not," Rex said hastily, "I want to help, that's why I'm listening closely. So, that's a lot of loss, Echo. I'm sorry for you."

"Thanks, Rex" he swallowed.

"So, how can I help?"

"Basically, we need a clue on where we can take a head-start for searching Omega and Crosshair, because we're certain that they're both held together. Suspiciously enough, Hemlock has either limited his off-world trips or has been very good at hiding secrets, because I couldn't find any ships to intercept."

"Neither have we, interestingly," Rex admitted. "He's certainly caught the Rebellion's attention now."

"Hmm. But I think it's better in one way because if you had traced them, Royce Hemlock would've certainly known and perhaps either killed all clones or transported them somewhere else without letting anyone know." The blue-skinned senator said, tossing her pink hair behind her.

"Yes, Senator. I know we've landed ourselves into a more complicated mix then I'd expected. We'll need all the help we can get, so I was thinking if we can enlist help from the Rebellion and the Senate. Is there any way this matter could be taken to the Senate? After all, it's a violation of the clone rights-"

"Which are non-existent, and it's worsened by the fact that Hemlock's working on the Emperor's orders," Rex interrupted before Riyo could speak up. "Anyways, the last time we pressed for clone rights, we ended up having their jobs ended. I'm not sure that the next time we do so, we won't be having their lives ended.

"As for the Rebellion, rest assured, I can warrant the support of all the clones there. I'm not sure the Rebellion's officers will allow it, but under General Skywalker, I've developed a disregard for orders." Rex ended with a lopsided smile.

"On this point, even though we may not be the majority, there have been a few senators who have shared my point of view, and have been resisting the Empire's barbarism on the political battlefield. Like Bail Organa, senator of Alderaan." Chuchi said. "Don't worry, Echo. We always have, and will be by your side. I know it may not sound much, but it all comes right in the end."

"Thank you, Senator. Thanks, Rex. I knew I could count on you." Echo mumbled.

"Till then, trooper." Rex saluted, and the hologram transmission ended.

Echo stood up to go to the cockpit, where Hunter and Wrecker have been debating for the past few hours. Wrecker always had a boisterous and easy-going nature, but these times have brought out the strategist in him.

It had been barely three hours since Omega's disappearance, and while Echo went to seek help from his former friend and captain, Hunter and Wrecker debated on whether to go back to Pabu or start the search from here. Being the daddy that he was, Hunter constantly repeated that they should start the search now, but Wrecker was telling him to rest for a fresher head start.

"Hunter, you gotta admit, but we're all busted up. We could heal and then leave. We can't be of much help to Omega and Crosshair if we're broken in pieces. Also, we don't even know where to start! We could us someone's help-"

"Omega's been waiting for us. It's my duty as her ori'vod that I have to shield her form any harm. I don't want her to lose hope. I want her to live the life I've wanted for her, of a free kid." Hunter began panting, and all of a sudden jumped and went out of the cockpit, leaving a troubled Wrecker.

"It's OK, I've got this. You did well, you know" Echo told the disgruntled clone, and went after the sergeant. He was sitting in Tech's seat, quietly mulling over something.



"What about Crosshair?"

"What about him?"

"All this time, you've never mentioned Crosshair once. You only talked of Omega. I know he was after our blood, but if what Tech hypothesized was true, then you should forgive Crosshair now. He wasn't in control of what he was doing. You and I both know that." Echo felt like a mother, soothing her stubborn son not to buy a toy.

"I can't seem to let go of my remorse. I don't hate him. It's true. I don't hate him, or despise him, I just feel like I failed him every time I see him. And it keeps getting worse. I have to keep you all safe too. I want to have Cross back, but the risk is too high. I can't let anyone pay for my mistakes."

"Who said you're making us? We want our vod back, and we're ready to risk it. Besides, it's what's Tech would've wanted us to do."

Tears swam in Hunter's eyes. "I don't know, Echo. I'm not even fit to be a leader. I guess I didn't imagine how it would be like after the war. But, I can't think of how to say sorry to him. For all my shortcomings as a brother. I abandoned him, on Kamino, on Bracca. He was right, I never gave him a chance to explain himself. I never gave him a chance to redeem himself. I should have supported him, helped him through Order 66. He was helpless, and he needed us, but we- no, wait, I- left him at the mercy of the Empire."

"You weren't aware of what was going on in Crosshair's mind during the Order, none of us was. Take the first step. At first, I thought Crosshair hated to have me, but I guess he waits for the first step. Once I accepted him, he warmed up to me. He'll forgive you too. It may take months to heal him, but eventually he'll come around, because you're not bound by duty. You're bound by blood, and blood's thicker than water."

Hunter mopped his eyes, and stood up, smiling at Echo.

"You know, I would not discount Wrecker's insight," the ARC told his sergeant, quoting his dead brother, "we should stop at Pabu. For a few days. At least to tell Phee what happened to Tech. She deserves it. And maybe, she and Shep could be of any help."

Hunter seemed to finally grasp things, and lifted his feet in the direction of the cockpit.

"Setting course for Pabu," he heard Hunter say to himself.

Echo smiled sadly as he remembered the person who would've always been the one to announce the destination for every journey.

His best friend, his closest vod.

He had cured Echo when he came from Skako Minor.

The genius, the brains, "Goggles", as the traitor Trandoshan called him.

The pilot for whom Echo always co-piloted.

He missed their bickering. He missed the both of them fixing the Marauder together.

For once, he wanted Tech to come back, and to hug him and tell him he loved him, he missed him. He was the best thing that happened to him, the closest thing Echo could ever have to Fives.

Sometimes, Echo could feel like Tech was living on in him. His way of talking, thinking, everything resembled Tech's. And he was glad for that.

He walked up to Hunter, who was now having a thoughtful expression against the hyperspace view, and said, "Now are you convinced?"

Hunter didn't seem to remember because he flipped his hair back and said, "Pretty much"

Echo had a flashback of Tech asking him the same thing before they went to save Senator Avi Singh, to which Echo had growled back, "No."

He laughed, despite his grief. These memories were all he had left of his late brother. He would treasure them all his life, just like he did Fives'.

Tech made a sacrifice. They were never letting it go in vain.

Before putting his helmet on as the ship lunged out of hyperspace, Echo agreed with one thought: he never thought he'd see his brothers die anywhere but on the battlefield. To be honest, Echo never actually believed he'd outlive his brothers, or that he would get to live another life after the war.

But he wished one thing. He hoped, that he gets to die before any other of his brothers do. He didn't know how much grief his heart could bear, but he wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

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