Episode 12: The Attack - Part II

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"Look ahead, prisoner."

The stormtrooper flanking Crosshair hit him hard in th head with the butt of his gun. Crosshair couldn't help but groan slightly.

He was waiting for Omega's signal.

Rounding the corner, he found her there.

"Hello," she said sweetly, "Dr Karr told me to receive CT-9904. You are relieved of your duties..." she glanced and winked at Crosshair, "now."

The troopers never knew what came next as they were tackled to the ground in an instant sweeping kick by Crosshair and then stunned by Omega before they could even scream. But they knew, by then, that the cameras must have reported their little treachery.

They had absolutely no time to lose.

"Mistress Omega, here are the detonators' controls." AZI came in a frenzy, throwing two remotes at Omega. "The red one is for the Zillo Beasts and the blue one..."

"OK, OK, AZI." she shushed him, lest anybody heard them.

"And yes, tell me whenever you need to rig the pipes." AZI intoned hurriedly.

"OK. Thank you AZI."

Omega then hurried off to the comm room, and Crosshair followed her, glancing over his shoulder for any intruders.


Omega began hitting multiple channels at once, using the access card she had pilfered off Nala Se's lab desk. Crosshair did the same, until at least 12 unauthorized signals were being beamed out.

"Good," he said, hearing the incoming forces.

"We should go now," she said, but not before she saw the green gas filling the room.

They used the back door to exit, and once Crosshair was sure all the Imperial forces sent to jam the transmissions were inside, he blasted the control panels, locking them all inside. Well, at least 30 troopers were out of their way.

Satisfied with his handiwork, he turned around to find Omega already unbolting the prison cells with AZI and the droids.

"Go. Be free."

The prisoners first stared at her, believing it to be some evil joke, but once she dashed off, they roared in joy and began mobbing and targeting the obviously outnumbered Imperial soldiers that had come to neutralize the threat. Crosshair smirked at the sounds of fists and kicks, accompanied by muffled voices of "You shall be punished!", "The Doctor shall hear of it!", and "Good soldiers follow orders!".

Once they had cleared S-2 and S-1 of all prisoners, Omega smiled at him and jerked her head towards the lift.

"Nobody's going to know we're here now. Not if they're occupied with the prisoners first."

They had hoped that they would speed down, find themselves a ship, and detonate the bombs, thus ending this chapter of torture.

"But Omega, which chip are we going to take? And how? We'll have to combat more troopers then." He told her.

"I highly doubt that there will be someone to guard the ships in such a 'secure' facility."

"How do we deactivate the shield covering the planetary surface?"

"It's already down. It was taken down for two hours to allow the entering and exiting of the Imperial vessels. And now, I don't think in this storm, anyone will remember to close it." She grinned evilly.

The moment they open the lift's doors, chaos has erupted.

"Is that..." Omega gasped.

"Oh, no." Crosshair groaned, but was secretly surprised and pleased.

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