Episode 8: A Villain Visits

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Omega could see that there was some energy and anticipation across the facility as the workers and scientists bustled here and there, Karr fussing over small details as the location of certain chemicals and whether the uniforms were all the same shade of grey or not.

Omega tried asking someone about it, but the trooper shrugged and said, "Dunno. We're only doing what we're ordered to. Rumour is, there's some guest coming from the Empire."

Omega wanted to ask who the guest was, but it seemed both Nala Se and Karr were avoiding her, because they were either too busy, or in meetings. She was getting used to working in the labs alone, until one day Nala Se came in.

"Omega, I am going to tell you something, and I shall not repeat my words," she began with her stern, warning tone.

"We have a guest coming, as you may know by now. His name is Darth Vader, and he is the apprentice to Lord Sidious. He's coming on the orders of the Emperor himself, and we do not want any misbehaviour."

"As you wish, Nala Se." she grumbled.

"If you behave, we may have a little prize for you." The scientist prompted.

Omega became skeptical and hopeful at once. "Like what?"

Nala Se raised an eyebrow. "What do you desire?"

Omega racked her brains. "To stop having Crosshair tortured."

"I cannot promise that, but I shall speak to Dr. Hemlock about it, but only if you behave."

Omega stayed quiet, thinking of the possibilities.

5 days later, while Omega was roaming the halls with Nala Se, the stormtroopers began rushing towards the hangar. It seemed like-

"Lord Vader has arrived." Nala Se grumbled.

They stepped out to find Doctors Hemlock and Karr already there, while the ship landed. When it opened up, the eerie silence was filled by sounds of mechanical breathing, and emerged a man clad in a mechanical suit.

Omega kept staring at him. There was a strange air of fear and power around him that forced everyone to bow to his will. If he's the student, thought Omega, then what's the master like?

Vader came to Hemlock, who bowed and said, "welcome, Lord Vader. I trust you had no troubles with your journey?"

"No, Doctor. It would be pertinent to begin our tour. Time is of value to the Emperor, and we do not wish any disorder or mismanagement of valuable resources to the cause." He glanced at Omega. "And who might she be?"

"She is one of the only two unmodified clones of Jango Fett. She served with Nala Se as her assistant before Order 66, after which she was abducted by Clone Force 99."

"Then she must be of use to the Empire, otherwise make no mistake in ending her lifespan."

And he walked inside with the Doctor, leaving Omega shaking behind him.


Vader towered over the leading doctors as they showed him their works in cloning. "We have been assigned to find out any methods of producing a body for the Emperor." The girl with goggles and brown hair replied.

Vader raised an eyebrow under the helmet. "A body?"

"Yes, my Lord. Darth Maul, if you recall, found some means of preparing a body strong enough to transfer his soul into and earn himself another life. In case the Emperor's body becomes too weak or unstable, or wounded fatally, there is a conduit to allow him to live on."

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