Episode 3: Return to Pabu

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Lyana was tending to the flowers at her roof while playing with the animals that intruded her home. It had been two – or maybe three? – days since Omega had left to save her brother. Crosshair, wasn't it? She wouldn't tell anyone, but she was sure that Auntie Phee was waiting for them to return, especially her 'brown eyes'. The way she'd pace the room, look at their belongings, stand at the balcony, gazing at the horizon, and the fact that she had neither embarked on any more journeys, nor had told any story, suggested to Lyana that Phee was missing them more than she let on.

To tell the truth, Lyana also missed them. Especially her little playmate, Omega. It wasn't that she had no one to play with – the whole island was swarming with kids – but the little girl had some strange charm around her. She seemed curious, and new to the world, as if she'd never seen the world before, and took delight in the smallest things possible. And that's why she loved that girl and took pleasure in her presence.

She was snipping a little bunch of purple buds when she heard the whirring of a ship. She was hoping against hope when she glanced at the sky, wishing-

She gasped. It was the Marauder!

"It's them, it's them!" she shrieked in joy as she leapt down the stairs, startling her father and Phee. But as soon as they comprehended what she said, they bolted out the door, Phee looking jumpy with glee.

They ran to the coast to welcome their friends.


Phee was bursting with excitement. She had so much to tell them, so much planned ahead for them to enjoy with her. She couldn't wait to see Omega and Tech. She could feel her stomach flutter with butterflies and her face and eyes glow at the thought of the tech-savvy nerd. Her nerd. And she may also get to meet their new brother!

She plucked a little rose from the sidewalk, and trudged towards the ship. She didn't want Shep to know what she felt regarding that clone, even if Lyana had already put two and two. This was her secret adventure, and nobody's allowed to meddle in it!

From the ship emerged the bandana boy, with his torso wrapped in bandages and a tired demeanour. He managed an exhausted wave and a tight smile before the giant appeared. Wrecker didn't show any hint of happiness as he descended the ship. Shep had gone to meet Hunter and Wrecker, while Lyana waited patiently for her darling little friend. Phee thought, why did they look so unhappy? Either Crosshair must have annoyed them off their wits, or the mission went south. She'll ask Tech, not to annoy the tired boys. She already knew how fed-up they were of her boisterous manner.

Echo emerged. Out of all, he seemed the freshest. He gave a small smile, asked them all how they were, and even gave Lyana a pat on her hair. Phee was waiting for her love.

Nobody else emerged. The ship's door closed.

Phee felt a flutter of panic. She looked at Lyana, who looked equally quizzed. Echo and Hunter seemed to note their mutual look.

Echo trudged over to them. Phee grasped her flower tighter.

"Lyana, Phee, I need to tell you something." Echo started. He had been the one who everyone in the GAR turned to in times of distress. He had a calm, comforting aura.

"Our mission failed. A rebel placed bombs at the facility which we were infiltrating, and we barely made it out of there.

"Lyana, Omega has been taken by the Empire. She was kidnapped and taken to the place which we're trying to find, but our mission went south and... I'm sorry, dear. I'm so sorry, ad'ika, for not being able to keep her safe."

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