Episode 9: Mission to Malastare

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"The Empire's last shipment from Malastare was exactly last month, which means that it should be here tomorrow or over morrow. No later, no earlier." Hera commented, drawing figures on a sheet of paper.

"Now, how do you know this?" Echo asked, eyebrow arched.

"I know for a fact that the ships from the Empire take stops on Eriadu and Bogden for fuel and food, and for the past 30 days, there have reportedly been no stops made there." Ahsoka smiled and answered.

"So, if this is the case, then the Empire should be expected to make an appearance tomorrow or over morrow." Hunter said, hand in his hair.

"Listen up. I have a few contacts over the moons of Bogden, and they have agreed to let us know when the Venators approach. When they do so, we'll have exactly four hours after which they come to take their shipment of the Beasts." Ahsoka commanded, every inch the general who had led the Siege of Mandalore.

"Hera will tag along with you, in case there's need of an air strike team. She will be your contact with me there. Your task: land, place the trackers, return. The only complications are the troopers spotting you, so you must avoid any confrontations, or we may have another Saw Gerrera incident."

Hunter's fists clenched at that point. Oh yes, I've still got a score to settle with him.

"The exchange of the beasts from the truck to the Venator shall take an hour, so you have to manage placing the tracker in this time period, after which you shall return immediately, and may I remind you, do not, I repeat, do not let any sort of power or charge near the beast, otherwise it may compromise your position. Have I made myself clear?"

"Land, place the tracker, come back. Sure, given no troopers find us." Wrecker said, sarcastically.

"You have three trackers to place. One, on the beast. Two, on the ship's exterior, and three, anywhere inside the ship."

Hunter caught the three devices thrown in his direction.

"But how do we place it on the beast? And inside the ship?" Echo asked.

"That's something you have to figure out." Ahsoka said, a smile tugging at her lips.


The Imperial vessel had approached Bogden two hours ago, so it meant they had two hours to make their landing, station themselves and get ready to run for it.

The Havoc Marauder reached Malastare's atmosphere, but due to Echo having had scrambled its signature key, the ship was passed through as a shuttle bringing "finances for the Zillo Beast farming".

Rex had told them to take caution, due to the planet being home to an Empire communication system. Hera was standing outside with her fleet in space, awaiting command.

Hunter could feel his heart pounding in his chest, frightened and excited at the prospect of being so near to getting Omega – and Crosshair – back.

Three stormtroopers awaited them at the landing. It took only two Wrecker punches and quite a many stun bolts to render the troopers unconscious.

The next time the Havoc Marauder's door opened, two stormtroopers emerged. Wrecker, due to his humongous size, was told to stay as backup, which he accepted unhappily.

Hunter sprinted in the direction of the landing port for the Imperial Venator, while Echo dashed to stand at the bridge towering over the path over which the vehicles carrying the beasts were to pass.

As predicted, five minutes after the vessel landed, a horde of stormtroopers emerged, which gave Hunter plenty of cover to enter the ship unnoticed. He tread carefully, going in the direction of the cockpit.

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