Chapter 2

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The key turned through the lock, allowing the young man to see inside the room, and, surprisingly, it didn't look bad at all. The light did not illuminate much but it did not flicker like the ship's lamps, the windows didn't have cracks that would allow the cold wind from outside to pass through

The bed looked quite comfortable and warm, although he still didn't have time to fall asleep because there was still a lot of work to do before dawn

Wonka could see a worn oak table in front of the bed, which could serve as a desk, so he headed towards it, placing his chocolate kit

"I must be the luckiest person tonight, mother..." Willy muttered to himself, tossing his hat onto the bed "Except for the part where I won't be able to sleep"

He carefully opened the chocolate kit, seeing all the small containers arranged at the ends of it, waiting to be used. Which of all should he do? Which would be the most striking for his future clients? The young man was flooded with questions

Thousands of ideas crossed his head, which made him doubt more and more, any of his inventions could be striking

"C'mon, Willy, clear your mind, what is your best invention?" Wonka murmured, rubbing his head

The sudden knocking on the door from the other side interrupted his thoughts, and, in fact, it also took him by surprise, but maybe it must have been the receptionist who had forgotten to mention something to him

Wonka stepped away from the desk, approaching to open the door "Yeah?" he said as he turned the door handle, realizing that it was not the receptionist, but young Noodle

"Sir, I have to warn you about something!" she exclaimed, instantly covering her mouth

"Calm down, Noodle, what's wrong?" Willy looked at her confused "Are you okay?"

"Sir, you know what you just signed, right?" the girl said quietly

"...What did I just sign?" he asked, imitating Noodle's low tone

"You just agreed to pay other expenses besides the room" she explained "Like going down and up the stairs or drinking that gin"

"What? That's sounds absurd, girl" the young man murmured, turning his back on her "Also, what are you supposed to be doing up at this hour?"

"I'm not talking about that, sir, this is serious!"

"My name is not sir, it's Willy" he returned to his desk "...You better go back to your parents, girl, it's too late" Wonka noticed that the girl remained silent, but she stayed where she was, head down "What's wrong?"

"...I don't have parents" she admitted

Willy felt a painful pang in his chest, like a poorly made candy or one thrown to the ground by accident. He didn't expect to receive that hearbreaking response, and, inevitably, his attention turned to the girl

His heart was beating hard, as if he had eaten thousands and thousands of chocolates, one after anoher until he could no longer bear it. The silence that spread in the room only made that feeling worse, even for a moment, forgetting where he was

That memory appeared before him, what a painful images, when his mother left this world after becoming seriously ill; after that, he had to take care of himself, relying on kind people

"...Sir, are you okay?" the girl's voice erased his memories

He cleared his throat "Hey, Noodle, don't you want to come in?"

"I can't... this room is for guests, sir"

"Okay, first of all, stop calling me sir, I'm Willy!" the young man exclaimed jokingly "And secondly, this guests is inviting you to stay"

"...Are you sure, s-Willy?" Noodle looked at him somewhat doubtfully

"Sure, come in! I'll prepare you some chocolate, have you tried one before?" Wonka asked her, turning to look at the chocolate factory kit

"...Not really, Willy"

"What? This is unacceptable! I'll change that right now" he feigned an offended tone, although his smile did not disappear from his face

"Are you a chocolatier?" Noodle looked curiously

"Correct, girl!" Willy answered "Although tomorrow will be the day in which I triumph as one... when I show the world my creations"

"...Did you always want to be a chocolatier?"

"No... when I was your age I wanted to be a magician... I kept showing it to my mother" his smile slowly fading "When we lived on a boat due to lack of money... poor my mother, she worked all day and we barely got one meal a day"

"...What happened to her?" Noodle noticed the young man's low spirits

"Well... she died long before I had the chance to change her life" a tear fell from his eye, but the sound of the chocolate factory kit made him come to his senses "Oh, here, Noodle, try one"

That chocolate had the shape of a luminous cloud, with a small flash of lightning; the girl took a bite, while Wonka just waited for her reaction

"What do you think?" he asked eagerly

"Wow! It's delicious!" Noodle exclaimed, smiling

"Perfect! I knew it" Willy murmured between laughs "And let me tell you something, when I have my own shop, you can come and have as many chocolates as you want!"

"Really?... but I don't have money..." the girl lamented

"That doesn't matter! It will be free for you"

"Oh, thank you, Willy... thank you so much..." in a way, the girl spoke dejectedly despite showing a smile "But it's time for me to go"

"Okay, good night, Noodle" his tone was remarkably soft

"Good night" she said, and then left the room

Chocolate Heart (Wonka And Noodle) #1Where stories live. Discover now