Chapter 20

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It was already noon, the group had already devised the plan and now they had separated to fulfill their parts. Young Noodle was sitting next to one of the great columns of the huge cathedral, looking around as she waited for the priest to arrive

In his hands Noodle had a couple of acacia mints,  which reminded her of the time she and Willy had milked the giraffe at the zoo; in fact, that would be a memory that would be difficult to forget for a long time

She heard footsteps next to her, because the priest had finally appeared, and was walking hurriedly towards the cathedral

Noodle stood up, walking behind the man until she saw that he stopped in front of the colossal door that led into the church

"Excuse me, sir" the girl said, but not before clearing her throat to sound more fragile

The priest turned to see her, confused "Yes?" he questioned

"Don't you have some chocolate left over for a hungry orphan?" Noodle asked

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't have one at the moment" the priest giggled understandingly, but when he turned around, he took a chocolate kept in his pocket, eating it in one bite

Noodle took a couple of steps towards the man, without being heard, she threw the acacia mints into the priest's pocket

She had already done her part, so the girl walked away from the place with a smile on her face, now all she had to do was meet up with her group again

•  •  •

Meanwhile, at the zoo were Willy and Abacus, observing from a distance the guard who was in his cabin, as they had once again sent him a supposed present from his boss

The guard read the paper that came next to the small box "For the best employee of the week" he repeated "What a nice detail"

The man opened the small box, seeing that it was chocolate again, he ate it without hesitation, and after a few seconds the zoo guard fell completely asleep

Wonka hurriedly emerged from his hiding place, running to the cabin to grab a pair of keys that would be used to open the animal cages, specifically the giraffe

•  •  •

With a couple of acacia mints it was easy to guide the large animal to the back of the truck, so now they were driving through the streets desolate by the cold

And so they continued, after the giraffe almost hit its head against a small bridge, they had finally reached their destination, the cathedral

It was fun the idea that the few people who saw them would be confused, wondering what they were doing carrying a giraffe around the town

This was going to be a pretty peculiar plan in anyone's eyes,  even his friends hadn't believed it would work at first. Fortunately there was no person in sight, so it did not make it difficult for them to free the animal and guide it towards the church, where it was attracted by the smell of mint that came from inside

Wonka turned to look towards an alley, where Noodle was "Hey, Noodle!" he said

She breathed a sigh of relief, heading towards where he was "Hi"

"It worked?" Abacus asked

"Of course it worked, I hid the mints in his pocket and he didn't even notice" Noodle spoke

"Perfect! Now let's get out of here before they see us" Wonka muttered

Again they got out the truck, back to the zoo

"Dad, are you sure the plan will work?" Noodle questioned him

"I'm very sure, and if not, I have the little orange man as a backup" Willy exclaimed "He said he would be watching me"

The girl remained silent

"...You don't believe me?" Wonka turned to look at her

"Of course I believe you... but I've never seen that little orange man..." Noodle said, a little unsure of her words

"You'll meet him sooner or later, I promise, sweetie" he said softly

"By the way, do you know what his name is?" she asked

"Oh, he says they call him Lofty" Wonka answered

•  •  •

Soon, they arrived at the zoo, parking the truck near the cabin, where the others were waiting for them

"It worked?" Piper questioned

Wonka nodded "Now we just have to wait for the call"

"It won't take a couple of minutes" Noodle said

"Good, it's my moment!" Larry spoke happily, sitting in the cabin chair

It didn't take long until the phone rang, to which Larry rushed to answer, while the others began to make animal noises

"Shut up now, animals!" Larry shouted "What's wrong?" he asked the person on the other end of the phone "Oh, yeah, I think we missed a giraffe this morning"

"Can't you come look for it?!" the group managed to hear

"Okay, I'll tell my staff" Larry spoke, ending the call and turning to see his friends "It's time"

Wonka smiled, a complicated part of the plan had already been done, now only the rest of the work remained, finding the chocolate cartel's ledger in the cathedral; he prayed inwardly that the three chocolatiers would not rush to that place

Chocolate Heart (Wonka And Noodle) #1Where stories live. Discover now