Chapter 6

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The chief of police walked up the stairs of the cathedral as the door slowly opened in front of him, allowing him to enter. He walked towards the altar, hearing the chorus around him "You're doing great, fellas, keep going" he praised them

The chief of police walked over towards the confessional. He stepped inside and sat in his seat, taking a deep breath "Forgive me, father, for I have sinned"

A little peep hole opened, where the chief of police slid a chocolate through it and the priest, on the other side, took it and eat it. The priest then pulled onto a hidden lever, which activated the elevator, sending the chief of police down, to the basement

Once he reached his destination, he sat up and leave the elevator

"Good evening, chief" the mistress of keys opened up the vault for the chief to enter

Inside the vault was sort of an office with a bar, where Mr. Slugworth, Mr. Fickelgruber and Mr. Prodnose were sat, drinking cocktails

"Good evening, gentlemen, one more chocolatier left town, just as you requested" the chief explained, seeing that Mrs. Bon Bon came and handed him his payment, which was a box of chocolates

"Tell me, chief, how'd you like to earn a few more of those?" Mr. Slugworth asked

"Yes, I'm listening" the chief smiled

"We think that Mr. Wonka would need a bit more than moving on..." Mr. Slugworth spoke

"He's good" Mr. Fickelgruber said "And he only charges a sovereign per chocolate, so anyone can afford them, even the p-" he couldn't pronunce the last word

"The poor?" the chief questioned, seeing Mr. Fickelgruber gagged ever

"He doesn't like it when people say poor" Mr. Prodnose said, making Mr. Fickelgruber gag again

"We want you to send Wonka a message..." Mr. Slugworth was the one who spoke

"Followed by physical force" Mr. Prodnose added

"And if he attempt to sell chocolate again in this town he is sure to be met with a little accident" Mr. Slugworth narrowed his eyes

"In which he dies" Mr. Prodnose said

"Gentlemen, please, so what do you said, chief?" Mr. Slugworth asked

"...Look, fellas, I can't just go around ruffing up your competition... I'm sorry" the chief tried to explain

"Well now chief... I can see that you're a man of integrity... but ask yourself this...-"

"Have you got a sweet tooth?"

"I do?"

"A hunger that you have to feed..."

"Have you got a sweet tooth?"

"I do..."

"Well, we've got everything you need..."

"Don't give me that conscience nonsense"

"It's simply quid pro quo..."

"So, a houndred of your favorites?" Mr. Slugworth pointed towards Mrs. Bon Bon, who took out a cart filled with a hundred boxes of chocolates

"Sorry, I'm afraid it's no" he refused "Promised my wife I'd cut down on chocolate, you know I gotta get in shape for the policeman's ball" he tried to leave but he got stopped by the three of them

"But think about your sweet tooth"

"I do... I've had it since I was a boy..."

"A naughty little sweet tooth"

"It's true"

"The only thing that brings you joy"

"Don't look at your waistline, it's fine"

"Who needs to see their toes?"

"So, seven hundred boxes?" Mrs. Bon Bon came with a cart filled to the brim with seven hundred boxes of chocolates

"That's a lot of chocolate... No!" the chief refused once more

Mr. Slugworth looked towards Mrs. Bon Bon "Well, come on, let's give him the big sale"

"Have you got a sweet tooth? Me too..."


"Have you got the hots for chocs?"

"I do, really, yeah-"

"Do you think the candy's dandy?"


"Well, we've got lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots!"

"If the wife's complaining!"

"Body shaming"

"It's amazing what a tailor can conceal.."

"Keep your wretched chocolates!" the chief exclaimed

"Eighteen hundred boxes?" Mr. Slugworth pointed towards the new offer

"Oh, deal!" the two men shook hands, sealing the deal

Chocolate Heart (Wonka And Noodle) #1Where stories live. Discover now